My topic is Migratory Bird and Border, Migratory birds go on seasonal travel do definitely will go cross the border. so around this idea, I am open to exploring and researching my topic.
I make this system map with my team during class, and the function of this map offers obvious positives for the whole process. It is like a guideline to start research. But also making this system map is the biggest challenge for me. because at the beginning I don’t have any idea about what is Migratory bird, have no idea about the relationship between migratory birds and borders too, so this map helps a lot to find out the relationship if your topic combines more than one element.
What did you learn?
I’ve learned a lot of things, especially the system map, it is a very important key when you have no idea about your topic. it can help you to find out many different ideas relative to your topic.
What might you do differently in terms of process or content?
the form which is the way I am going to deliver my topic. I have a hard time making decisions to represent my migratory bird. I thought to go with a storybook or map, but all of them were hard to link back with my metaphor. but I made a lot of changes from the very beginning.
What was inspiring? What parts?
The image and the tone of my project part took a lot of time for me, I draw a lot of pictures as references. I researched many migratory birds, and compare many different color tones that I am going to use. finally, I used the Rococo color tone because it is also a way of metaphor, if people didn’t pay attention to this moment, will lose the beautiful creature very soon.
Revisit the assignment prompts: how did your project relate to the original prompts, in terms of critical lens, audience, tone, etc…
I thought the Len tone become softer, became easier to accept. the way becomes more gentle but powerful( because I have learned more details about my topic, and found more resources to support my topic. ), in the beginning, the prompts were paler. and weak.
How did you balance research and experimentation? Which is easier for you? How can you focus more on the areas that you shy away from
research is easier for me, because of all the information just over the internet. but experimentation going to take a lot of time from people. I did most of part of the research, took the experience from people who already researched a similar topic, learned a lot of experience from them, and combine my situation to make my work happen.
Bibliography :
Contributors to Wikimedia projects. “Symbiotic Bacteria – Wikipedia.” Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia, Wikimedia Foundation, Inc., 4 Apr. 2006,