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Post-Mortem Reflection: Plantation

  • What did you learn?

First of all, I definitely learned more about the concept of plantation and coffee plantation situations around the world. I learned about ecological influences and economical impacts of plantations during the research. Secondly, this thinking process was a new experience for me. The methods of making system maps, thinking about metaphor, analyzing critical lens and audience were very helpful for me to get a better idea of what I would do for my project. The last but not the least, I learned more about doing research and utilizing research results, not to mention the coding techniques I learned to make my interactive map.

  • What feedback did you receive? Any reflections on critique itself?

The feedbacks I received were focused on user instructions and critical information. I agree that I should add more guides for the users to understand the functions on the webpage. What’s more, I could also add more critical information to stress the problems more strongly. Other than showing the facts and data I researched, I could also illustrate more on how these numbers reflect certain underlying social problem, and maybe providing possible solutions.

  • What might you do differently in terms of process or content?

For the process of this project, I might put more effort on researching social problems relating to plantations and possible solutions. As for the content, I might focus on other kinds of plantations like cotton, sugar cane, etc. I might also go an entirely different track, researching on planation in space. This is an idea I received in my interview.

  • What was inspiring? What parts?

The process of this project was very inspiring. This is the first time I researched on something non-scientific, and to create an artistic form. Making concept maps and thinking about metaphor was inspiring, these processes help me cleared and organized my thoughts. And by studying my own though process, I was able to come to a more detailed goal and applicable goal.

  • Revisit the assignment prompts: how did your project relate to the original prompts, in terms of critical lens, audience, tone, etc…

I think my project related to most of the points in the prompt. The final product is usable, audiences are able to gain more information on plantation. And by showing the facts of social problem, it inspires audiences to think more about social issues of local plantations. I kind of switched between metaphors when developing this project. Although in the end I chose the metaphor of iceberg, it was not very clearly suggested in the interactive map. I think that’s what I need to think more in later projects.

  • How did you balance research and experimentation? Which is easier for you? How can you focus more on the areas that you shy away from

Personally, it’s easier for me to do research. I like to dig into different topics and learn more about things. When it comes to representing my thought, it was pretty hard for me to think of metaphors and design artistic forms. That’s the part I need to improve in later projects. And I think starting from learning from other projects and doing more user research and user testing would be helpful.

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