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Daily Practice – Day1 Kalimba

Daily Practice:

Try to play 水调歌头(Prelude to Water Melody)  with ~6 different instruments.

Prelude to Water Melody is an ancient Chinese poem. It has been set to music, and the song is popular in different generations of China

The wiki link:

Day 1: Kalimba

The kalimba is an African musical instrument with a wooden soundboard and metal keys. In the classification of musical instruments, the kalimba is in the category of lamellophones or plucked idiophones (Hornbostel-Sachs system).

The Record:

Audio Player

2 thoughts on “Daily Practice – Day1 Kalimba”

  1. I so appreciate that your project engages another sense-Particularly as this course is online.

    The framework you offer as well (the poem set to music) and using a different instrument every day is also intriguing.

  2. This is such a beautiful sound, and such a nice place to start. I love that this is a seemingly simple instrument, but so effective at the melody. Very sweet.

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