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Assignment 2 topic

Inclass note:

Topic: buddhism

Answers: Because the topic is too large, I want to scope it down. So far, I am thinking about a specific Buddhist figure, an ideology, a quote or a suggestion from buddhism. However, i feel the topic is too serious, so the form of guide might be boring and not attractive if i don’t use a proper one.

Monika: yes, you can narrow it down to one figure/narrative. Ask critical questions about why that figure? Why that story? Why that aesthetic?  What demographic does it represent?  Who does it now represent? Maybe look at comparisons cross-culture, through eras and ask more questions.



Topic: buddhism,  more specific, Avalokitesvara figure

System map: I will use concept map to organize the information of Avalokitesvara. I will research on its origin, history and the figures in different countries. 

Stakeholders: Buddhist, Buddha related commodity, merchant.

Critical Analysis: I might consider the reason and the influence of Avalokitesvara’s localization.

Form/Affordances: The form might be a game, or it might be a map which show the path of Avalokitesvara figure’s spread.

Metaphor: I am still considering the metaphor, I might be use a map as the instruction to show Avalokitesvara’s localization.

Tone: Serious.

Intended experience/outcome: My intention probably is letting audience distinguish different form of Avalokitesvara and knowing the affect of its figure and even buddhism’s localization.

1 thought on “Assignment 2 topic”

  1. “ Critical Analysis: I might consider the reason and the influence of Avalokitesvara’s localization.”

    This is still quite neutral. Perhaps identifying the stakeholders and making a systems map just about this will help you discover a more critical lens.

    Some things to consider:
    What were/are (there are still shifts in representations and aesthetics) the stakeholders and how do they benefit from the shifts in style/form? What lies beneath the surface of their agendas and what harm does this all cause. Look for the issues/harms in the system. Who does this system ignore/oppress?

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