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Final Project Topic Analysis


The environmental/social impact of fracking.


My main goal is to understand how fracking harms the environment and how locals/environmental groups attempt to disrupt and oppose fracking operations. I also want to present in an interactive way the tradeoffs between safety and profit that fracking companies make.

Critical analysis:

How has fracking harmed the environment?

What are the alternatives?


Governments (local and federal), the planet, the climate, groundwater, local communities, indigenous communities, environmental groups


1 thought on “Final Project Topic Analysis”

  1. Several of your stakeholders are non-human – “the planet, the climate, groundwater.” In your search for potential alternatives, are you considering involving a perspective from these non-human entities?

    “I also want to present in an interactive way the tradeoffs between safety and profit that fracking companies make.” I wonder what a systems map of this might look like.

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