Project-1 Reflection
What did you learn?
The process of doing the research based on only two keywords was fun and challenging for me. I think I’ve learned a lot not just the overview information about my topic but also have a basic understanding of how intricate and interconnected a system should be. I think the potentials for perspectives are unlimited and what usually is thought to be the definition or norm is one of many phenomena that have been socially naturalized.
- What feedback did you receive? Any reflections on the critique itself?
I received some highly conclusive feedback on my topic, which is the hierarchy existing in our anthropocentric views on nature. I’m sure the information is so compact within that one term and it helps me understand my standpoint more clearly. - What might you do differently in terms of process or content?
I kind of wished among each research session I did, should of taking smaller leaps in the research direction. First of all, within a broad research topic, I probably should of settle on one interest quickly to make sure later I can have sufficient information. Secondly, the direction I choose needed to be more specific. These two might efficiently help with the research process. - What was inspiring? What parts?
Interviewing people was an inspiring experience for me. Before conducting the actual interviews, I had much anticipation about what questions might lead to the information I was looking for. Following the interview guide, I didn’t say much during the interviews. Turns out interviews are much different than having conversations where people interchange information, an interview is a one-way flow of information collecting, to neutrally listen to someone who might not share the same perspective as you. - Revisit the assignment prompts: how did your project relate to the original prompts, in terms of critical lens, audience, tone, etc…
My critical lens stated to be animals, but really through animal right protection activists. The audiences suppose to be companion animals but really the people lack information about the unethical breeding industry and animal welfare.I might do better on metaphoric system thinking, though I think using best-of lists for human traits to serve animal needs is some kind of analog usage of form. But I am not sure. -
How did you balance research and experimentation? Which is easier for you? How can you focus more on the areas that you shy away from
The research part was challenging because of the amount of reading and material sorting that were needed. And sometimes I get confused about whether the new piece of information just got was actually helping the research move forward or distractions. It also came down to the later process of fitting pieces of information into the puzzle.I should of spend more time on experimentation. I think next time when making a research-based project, the experiments and research should happen together.