- At some point this week, look around you and produce a drawing (or take a picture) of a space that you feel is rich in arrangements. In a style similar to the diagram on page 33, annotate your picture or drawing with the “hard” and “soft” arrangements you can identify.

- Map an aspect of your topic to the Ideas/Arrangements/Effects framework. For instance, if you were working with zoos: an idea is that animals should be able to be observed at will by humans; an arrangement is a cage at the zoo; an effect is that animals often become distressed. Since arrangements are “a rich and frequently overlooked terrain for creating change” (32): can you identify a way you could change your identified arrangement, and how that might reflect a different idea, or have a different effect?
Topic: The practicability of premises QR code and individual QR code arrangement
- Ideas: The QR health code, used as the only fundamental tool for national infectious disease control, should be able to forecast risk or at least has time effectiveness.
- Arrangements:
1/ By requirement, every place of business and public indoor space has its own QR code for customers to scan
2/ Citizens has individual health QR code for different provinces.
3/ Each province manages the QR health code differently. (Through different local departments and QR codes being deployed on various platforms)
4/ By requirement, every citizen has to scan the business QR code in order to enter an indoor space or travel to other cities. As a result, anyone’s geographical change and information will be recorded in individual’s database which is controlled and monitored by the national CDC
5/ 3 colors of code have been universally practiced. Green means the individual is clean; yellow means there is a potential for close contact with the positive case; red means the individual has contacted with a positive case and potentially is a positive case. The practice of health code intensely controls citizens’ mobility. - Effects:
1/The practice of health code intensely controls citizens’ mobility.
2/The action of scanning the business QR code at some place is loosely practiced because business owners need to hire extra to “guard” the business from its customers, which also has counter effects hurting the business itself.
3/Time lag created by procedural inspection which causes questionable effectiveness for the whole process
4/Internet fury duo to inconveniences caused to citizens in all aspects of their lives
5/Government losing credibility to its citizens - Change:
It would not be possible for me to give one alternative, otherwise, I would be a scientist leading the national CDC department. However, I’m inspired by the IAE practice done for the public restroom and I think it makes a perfect metaphor for the health code system the Chinese government is trying to fabricate.Imagine the application of the health code as an action we take when we go to the public restroom. Ideally, we will assign ourselves to different pits and use them. The pit of course has been used by many ahead of us. We use it and leave something behind that if later, can prove our visits. There are also counters, aside from the toilets, which people use constantly as an informal place for socializing and small talk. The stool is the date, the pit is the QR app that stores our data. When something went south, the data scientist checks the data and distinguishes the one causing trouble. However, before the data arrives, it has been sitting for a period of time. So scientists could not distinguish which one might be correlated so they track everyone who has been to the pit, and quarantined until they prove the negativity. However, don’t forget the counter area, which people use without leaving a trace. The walls between public pits are like our masks, which helps but does not necessarily mean we are not sharing the same space. So they escape, their data escape. They are the user who doesn’t scan the code, they are also the people who come into the restroom without using the pit.