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Ideas Arrangements Effects – response

This is a picture I took of a nucleic acid testing site. This nucleic acid test is used to test if a person got COVID or being a carrier of the COVID virus. To take this text, people first need to register their ID, the workers in the room will scan people’s ID card. Then you need to go to another window for the doctor to take your sample. In Beijing, people need to take this test every 72 hours in order to enter public places like restaurants and shopping malls.


  • People should take this test regularly.
  • Government need to keep track of, control COVID.
  • People should monitor their own health condition, and keep away from getting infected.


  • The location of the testing sites: the testing sites are mainly located near neighborhoods, making it more convenient for people to take the test.
  • Two windows serving different functions in order.
  • The windows only have small openings, preventing contaminations / potential virus from the outside.
  • The lines and facilitators organizing people’s behavior, guiding people to wait in lines and keep distance.
  • The setting of the entrance and exit. Only one way in and one way out.


  • People passes this testing site everyday, and taking the test becomes a daily routine for people.
  • The doctors in the room are well protected.
  • People can register their ID and take the test smoothly, increasing the efficiency of taking the test, preventing people from gathering together and waiting in long lines.
  • Government is able to keep track of COVID situations, and is able to take quick actions whenever a positive case is found.

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