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Final Project: Who Am I

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For this project I want to display a map for people, who are they, what are those rolls people are playing everyday, but they didn’t notice during daily life, accounting to those rolls that people playing, how much of them are true come from their mind, and how much people can really be who they want, accounting to the research, people’s dream most being impacted from own parents, and parents always stay in their safe zone, and for they the most valuable children they want to pick the most secure way from their safe zone. And That’s the reason why people gave up or lost their own dream or intelligent since very young age. This is project is based on my personal experience, I have a very conservative confusion background family, the way I am going always been selected form my parents, I was a quite good girl did whatever they want, until the day I went aboard and study along, I had saw, smell, heard, learned, and created my own perceptions. I just wake up, and realize life is an experience, always come along, and leave alone, the only thing and be temporary saved, or keep. However with time files, everything will be totally erase off in time river. Life once, so just make it follow your own mind. At the very end I gave 3 direction to negotiate how you want to keep working on your dream or intelligent.



Bhagwan, Dada. “Positive Parenting: How to Be a Better Parent: Parent Child Relationship.” Spacer

Bisht, Bhawana. “Dear Parents, Stop Imposing Your Dreams on Your Children.” SheThePeople TV, SheThePeople, 11 Mar. 2020

Doglio, Fernando. “Stop Killing Your Kid’s Dreams for the Future. Why Would You Do That?” Medium, A Parent Is Born, 21 Oct. 2020

Max Jordan Nguemeni Tiako, MD. “‘Parents Kill More Dreams than Anybody’ – Spike Lee.” Medium, Medium, 23 Mar. 2016

“Sometimes, Good Parents Produce Bad Kids.” NPR, NPR, 15 July 2010

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