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Emergent Strategy

Prompt 1: In your view, what is a function of humans in the universe?

I think the core function of humans is to create. Through creation we are able to build and experience. We collaborate and expand. Creating brings us together and allows us to express our individuality and perhaps, if we’re lucky, to leave a lasting mark that can tell future generations and species that we existed.

Prompt 2: How would you define emergence? What is its opposite?

I would define emergence as collaboration. It is a process that requires the individual to work with others around them bringing a mindset of “let’s solve this together, slowly”. It very much involved individuals working together is a cohesive and seamless manner to achieve a desired outcome. One example cited in the reading is the migration of birds. If they are grouped too closely together, they cannot move efficiently. If they are grouped too far apart, they cannot gain the benefits of streamlining, etc. So all of the bird need to collaborate in order to achieve the outcome of migration.

I would say it’s opposite is isolation. When we silo ourselves and focus on individual output rather than collaboration we are unable to get more out of the system than we put in. When there is the absence of collaboration, individuals don’t reap the benefits of their communities.

2 thoughts on “Emergent Strategy”

  1. Hi Anney, I like what you said about the function of humans in the universe is to create and experience. I especially agree with what you said “experience”. We live in the universe and during our short life time, we can feel different sentiments like happiness or sadness. It is ok if we experience bad thing because this is how we feel the universe. We could lough or cry and all we feel are the parts of universe. I believe everything in the universe tend to go to positive. Therefore, we should follow the nature’s rule of universe and be good for others. We can creative happiness and bring everything good to the world before we leave.

  2. “I think the core function of humans is to create. ” Do non-human species create? Can humans co-create with non-human animals/plants/objects?

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