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System Thinking and Salt

Q: Which system (type of stakeholder) that Easterbrook identified did you find your own understanding of GMOs most aligned with? Why? What are some of the stakes of these stakeholders?


At first, I thought it should be “A system of scientists doing research”. Since I’m not a GMO opponent. But after reading the eight systems, I’ll choose system 6: “A system of global food supply and demand”. GMOs are just one of the solutions to solve the problem. The stakeholders here are researchers, protesters, and people, especially people in famine. Researchers care about whether GM trials increase food production. The stakes for protesters in this system are not clear, maybe ethics and risks. And people need food, no matter where it comes from.


Q: Using your own topic for research, can you Identify 3 stakeholders (groups or phenomenon) with different perspectives, and then describe the system (the stakes) from which they are operating?


  1. People: Operates in a system of health and daily diet. Humans need salt to meet physical needs and improve dish taste.
  2. Traders: An economic system. Businessman focus on their profit. How to sell and deliver the goods to the destination.
  3. Government: In a country’s system of tax, border management, license to sell, etc.

2 thoughts on “System Thinking and Salt”

  1. The ability of GMOs to establish the beneficence of food supply has always been a contested space. I agree with you that GMOs are part of the solution but not the whole story. Also, I appreciate the ethical aspect you mentioned. I think the stakes here could be food variety/diversity and a thriving society.

  2. “‘A system of global food supply and demand’. GMOs are just one of the solutions to solve the problem.”

    Echoing what Danni has written, What are some of the underlying motivations for stakeholders (specific entities) to control distribution? What are historical examples?

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