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Systems Thinking (Easterbrook) Response

Question responses:

1. I will be honest and say that I don’t know much about GMOs, but most of my understanding aligns with the stakeholders in group 7. The idea of “frankenfoods” is definitely something I have heard of, and, for the most part, people that I talk to and have been exposed to worry about the risks GMO foods pose to their health. They (and I) see organic and locally sourced foods as better for their (my) health and the environment overall. I worry about GMOs in general mostly because I don’t know much about the science that goes into them. Not knowing what my food is made of and what kinds of processes went into creating it makes me nervous. I think the majority of their stakes for these stakeholders deals with human health. It’s unclear if GMOs can have serious impacts on health. The reading cites allergies as an area of concern which definitely lines up with some parents I have talked to who worry about their kids being affected by GMOs.

2. Three stakeholders for DMZs:
1. The countries at war. They operate in a system of conflict with each other. Each believes they have a claim to the territory. Usually one side is the aggressor, trying to assert it’s claim to more territory, while the other is the retaliator, seeking to defend it’s land from outside forces.
2. Neighboring countries. They operate in several systems. One is systems of commerce and trade. Often neighboring countries are engaged in trade agreements which can be impacted by war or even the formation of the DMZ itself which may disrupt trade routes.
3. Wildlife. DMZs offer opportunities for wildlife to return to areas which otherwise would have had a greater human presence. This allows for the reclamation of lost territory, and even allows for certain species that may have been on the verge of extinction to flourish. One of the surprising results of several DMZs is the formation of wildlife preserves.

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