The form: Pop-up books
Why this form? What are its features (stylistic, experiential)
- The pop-up book is a non-tech 3-D form of the book that is usually used to show some structures and buildings. I chose this form because my topic, “fenestra,” is about a kind of structure. Part of my goal is to show the structure to everyone directly with no age limitations, language limitations, or knowledge reserved. This pop-up book can perfectly fit my needs. What’s more, I still have the possibility to make it colorful and informative since it still follows the form of a book.
How is this form typically used, and what do you plan to subvert/imitate/utilize?
- This form is typically used for children and educational functions. Also, it’s mainly used for storytelling or showcasing. I plan to focus on its storytelling part, but I want to tell a story about fenestra that can interest both the children and the adults.
What would change if you tried a different form? What critical lens does the form you’re applying emphasize?
- I’ve thought about a single-page website, a digital interactive game, or a kind of creative re-use. However, for the first two digital forms, there are hidden age limitations behind it since small kids and elders may don’t know how to surf the Internet. Ecocriticism or the moral lens would be the lens the form I am applying emphasize. However, I am still thinking about this part.
Is there a metaphor well-suited to your form (i.e. cooking with code)? Or, are there other metaphors you might employ?
- Metaogors might be used:
- Underground water system (geology)
- emotion regulation (how one individual faces and deals with his/her pressure and other negative emotion)
- Reservoirs, Dams, and Flood Releases
The pop-up book will definitely speak to the playfulness and delight of the form. I look forward to seeing which cross-over metaphor you land on. Please be sure to have a sample (or a sketch) to share so we can get an idea of the aesthetic/visual language you will employ.
I just saw your experiments! Excellent progress!
Thanks for your help and for writing this post. It’s been great.