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Emergent Strategy

Question I: In your view, what is a function of humans in the universe?

I think function of human is create, product and contempt, we create tools, we found out whatever we could use for our own benefits. we create civilizations, make sure we could probably do generation to generation. we product a lot tools, or other creature to meet our all kinds of needs. we also contempt all kind of element we possible could use. That why I will say for human humans in the universe is create, product, and contempt.

Question II: Do artists, designers, and technology have that same or similar responsibility? What are the nuances between those roles?

In my opinion those three roles are similar, however based on their function somehow they are very different.

the same or similar responsibility is they all create things, but for each job description, each of them have some different. In my mind  the artist has the pure mind, they just need to emotional, and intense to feel the whole world, and directly translate the further words into the language that we used to know. Artist always have future vision to look at everything. The technology is another pure role in those three roles. technology just need to focus on how to make design into a real thing and also functional. The last I want to talk about is the most hard role out of those three. It is designer, it is a bridge from artist to technology. designer need to balance the artist elements, and buyer’s needs, also make sure the idea can possible happen in technology.


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