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Update on Project


I have decided to change my project idea from a field guide to a cookbook guide form. I use the humor metaphor to create a book that shows the animals’ guide to taxidermizing humans instead of the other way around. After my talk with Monika, I had more insight into how to do this project. As well as how I can implement humor into this subject.  The “cookbook” guide form has information on how to taxidermize a body, more specifically a human. I had gotten the information from Initially, my research started with the definition on ‘Taxidermy’. Taxidermy by is, “the art of preparing, stuffing, and mounting the skins of animals and especially vertebrates”. Then did research on the history on Taxidermy. The process of ‘mummification’ of animals using wraps, oils, and salt.
Finally, for my humor metaphor, I changed the form and did animals taxidermy on humans instead.

Bibliography –  3 Ways to Do Taxidermy – wikiHow

Bones, K. (2021, September 16). The history of Taxidermy. Kodiak Bones and Bugs Taxidermy. Retrieved October 9, 2022, from,and%20available%20resources%20and%20technology.


5 thoughts on “Update on Project”

  1. Hi Jheanell, the guide looks super complete! Congrats on finishing the work! Before the presentation, you can also think about how to demonstrate your research and the direction “twist” along the way, also who the target audience is, what kind of questions you want them to think about etc. Looking forward to listening to your presentation!

  2. Wow, the new direction is cool! And also a little bit dark for me. This somehow reminds me of how ancient Egyptians made mummies and also “Mummy Brown” or “caput mortuum” – a kind of pigment made from the mummy. Can’t wait to see the details of the cookbook.

  3. This is fun! I think it’s interesting that while reading, I don’t feel like I’m the target audience, but more like an intruder who has somehow got a copy of a cookbook that was passed around within other animal civilizations. Reading the cooking process also makes me understand the taxidermy process easily, and there’s a sense of uncanniness as it’s using human as example.

  4. First off, I love that the cookbook is from point of view of animals. I think it’s an effective way of gaining empathy from the audience. I think the humor makes it engaging but also makes the audience recognize how taxidermy could be seen as cruel. I think including more visuals (photos or illustrations) would’ve made it a little more eye-catching in order to reel the audience in. For example, I think images of life-size wax dolls could be passed off as “human taxidermy” and could add more humor.

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