- What did you learn?
Even though I have down a lot of research in my undergraduate school, the first guide project remind me how to do a critical research and how to effectively find the key information I need. Second, the interview I did was really helpful. I learned how to design the interview question in order to gain useful information for my guide. Third, I learned to draw a concept map while analyzing a topic. After making a concept map, I can be more clear about what system and stakeholders could be for my topic. Fourth, I have learned how to use a visual metaphor to demonstrate a thesis or concept.
- What feedback did you receive? Any reflections on critique itself?
I have receive a feedback from Monika. From the feedback, I noticed that my guide is missing some sort of text description. It may confused audience and hardly expressed my intention. Also, the visual transformation in female’s part is not obvious and clear. As a result, the distinguish between male and female’s condition is not highlighted. Audience may feel lost if I don’t claim my intention. I really agree with Monika’s statement; and during the process of creating the guide, I actually considered whether the form of gradually lighting female’s quilts was a good way to present female’s ability and aesthetics. If I use some shape changing and more colour transformation, my intention might be more distinct for presentation.
- What might you do differently in terms of process or content?
Just as I have said in last question, I will change the shape and hue of cloths and quilts. I used p5.js for the guide, however, I will use Unity which is more powerful.
- What was inspiring? What parts?
For me, considering a meaningful metaphor is really inspiring to me. I am excited to think about creative form of guide. Words are too plain to express an idea, so if I use images to indirectly present a concept, I believe it will have a more impressive consequence. Considering the different possibilities of metaphor can make me think deeper about my topic.
- Revisit the assignment prompts: how did your project relate to the original prompts, in terms of critical lens, audience, tone, etc…
I believe I have a very clear critical lens because my intention of the guide is to present gender inequality in Chinese handcraft field. I spent a lot of time to do the research about the social issue about my topic. Also, during the process of creation, I had consider the stakeholders who were also my target audience of my topic. I used a serious tone when I presented my guide. What my guide lacked was a clear intention as the visual transformation is ambiguous and indistinct.
- How did you balance research and experimentation? Which is easier for you? How can you focus more on the areas that you shy away from
For me, research and experimentation can not leave with each other. The foundation of experimentation is research. Also, the output of research is through experimentation. In my condition, experimentation is easier as I am a practical person. I was in computer science program, therefore, I have the practice of trying when I don’t know how a thing work. However, research is really necessary. It can give us a more comprehensive understanding of a topic. It allow us to think about the root and fundamental logic. Even though it is confused and aimless to read a bunch of texts and explore an unfamiliar area at the beginning, we will have great pleasure after knowing and understanding an unknown fields of knowledge.