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Final reflection for topic 1

What did you learn?
This is the first time I have done such deep critical thinking. I think it has helped me profoundly. First, critical thinking helps me to be innovative in work and life. 1. Critical thinking helps me find problems and discuss the way and method of my life in another way. 2. Critical thinking helps me come up with multiple solutions, and divergent thinking, such as brainstorming. 3. Critical thinking helps me make changes and adjustments properly.



What feedback did you receive? Any reflections on the critique itself?

I am very grateful to my classmates for their suggestions to my guide, and I have made appropriate revisions according to their suggestions. I think my problem is that I am usually a little shy. If I can discuss it with them after class before the final, my progress will be much faster, and the final output will definitely be better. In the next project, I will supervise myself not to be shy and communicate more with my classmates.



What might you do differently in terms of process or content?
I think I have two main problems.
The first is that views are too fragmented. I listed more than a dozen cosmetic-related metaphors, each of which is covered but not in depth. I should delve into one or two of the best points in more detail.
Second, I have a big problem with typography. My plan was to make a magazine, but it really didn’t look like a magazine. I hope to improve my ability to design layouts in the future


What was inspiring? What parts?

I think metaphors are very inspiring. It helps us summarize many seemingly different but essentially the same things, saving us the time to analyze and judge each thing. Metaphors help us to compare, generalize, and summarize so that we can understand the world more systematically.


Revisit the assignment prompts: how did your project relate to the original prompts, in terms of critical lens, audience, tone, etc…
I think my work is based on the original book and the basic requirements of the homework. But in the next stage, I hope to achieve a bolder breakthrough



How did you balance research and experimentation? Which is easier for you? How can you focus more on the areas that you shy away from

Research is a gradual process, but not always smooth. Maybe after a certain smooth period, thinking will suddenly fall into some kind of bottleneck. It may also be enlightened after experiencing a bottleneck. I think the ups and downs, the good and the bad in the research process are its charms.

In contrast, with the theoretical basis provided by the research as the support, the practice will be much smoother.

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