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Day 1- South Africa

For my topic, I decided to do research about “The Great Human Migration.” The migration of people from Africa to the rest of the world. The specific group I chose was the Native Americans. Their journey from Africa across Asia and through part of Russia into North America.

My daily practice would be a poem. The poem would be written from the first-person point of view as if it were a person during the times of The Great Migration. Doing this would help to get a feel of what it might have been like during those times.

A map of early human migration patterns and the distribution of Pediculus humanus clades.:

Day 1

Today is the day,

My tribe is moving out to the unknown.

I am worried and afraid.

I move quickly into the bright sun.

The trees sway with every motion.

My father grabs my hand.

Our steps in sync

It is time to see the outside world.

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