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Topic 2 – System maps


The deletion of words’ pronunciation reduces the rhythmic beauty of some ancient poems in Chinese and may lead to some cultural loss.

Random thoughts:

  • Based on the research, this topic can be somehow related to feminism since most poets in ancient China were male. There are brilliant but controversial female poets, and I am interested in them, too. I’m a little hesitant to change my intention. Or maybe I can find a way to show both perspectives but mainly focus on one of them.
  • Culture&beauty are too big. I need to find a way to narrow it down to some specific points or concepts.


  • What’s the history of ancient Chinese Poetry? How does it evolve based on time? How do the content and the theme change?
  • How has the “beauty” of Chinese poems been decided? (focusing on rhythmic beauty)
    • Future question: who decide this?


Link to system maps:


1 thought on “Topic 2 – System maps”

  1. The analysis and categorization of poetry elements that the second map map articulates reminds me of the way in which an algorithmic process might be established. I’m curious what feelings you have about the map in particular. Does it evoke particular associations and/or memories?

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