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Topic 2 – IAE Map

Map an aspect of your topic to the Ideas/Arrangements/Effects framework:


The subject of history and what is taught in schools comes from a very specific lens, often discounting or altogether removing the stories, experiences, and accounts of other peoples and populations. History is often revised to benefit one side of the story, further bolster a motive, or support a particular point/initiative.


“Good vs. Bad” – when sharing a narrative, it is often always from the viewpoint of one/one collective body. History recounts events that led to the formation and norms of society, but all include inherently flawed people. Yet, we still project a “good guy” / “bad guy”  lens when recounting these stories. I’m sure if seen from the opposite side, the flipped view/roles would be true. We are all the main characters in our own stories, and how we process, experience, and are affected by events has ripples in how we show up in the world and further perpetuate these concepts in society.


Uneven power dynamics, Marginalized peoples/cultures, racism, xenophobia, homogenization, gender inequity, unequal rights


Can you identify a way you could change your identified arrangement and how that might reflect a different idea or have a different effect?

More equitable arrangements would produce more equitable results. Having a scale of power creates a sense of entitlement and dominance. There is always more than one side to every story, beyond a singular cause and effect.

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