Project 2 Bibliography
Almassi, Ben. “Value Disputes in Urban Ecological Restoration: Lessons from the Chicago Wilderness.” Studies in History and Philosophy of Science. 87, 93-100. April 8, 2021.
Carter, Steve, et al. “Guiding Principles for Rewilding.” Conservation Biology. 35:1882–1893. February 26, 2021. DOI: 10.1111/cobi.13730
Chadde, Steve W. Prairie Plants of Illinois. Orchard Innovations, 2019.
Eshel, Kat. “7 Problems With Rewilding.” Medium. March 22, 2014,
“Hugo McCloud: from where i stand.” The Aldrich Contemporary Art Museum. 2021.
Ibáñez-Álamo, Juan D. et al. “Biodiversity within the city: Effects of land sharing and land sparing urban development on avian diversity.” Science of the Total Environment, 707, March 10, 2020.
Jaafry, S.W.H. and A. Fatima. 2022. “Interactions among the plants with different neighbor identities and plant communication (A Review).” Sarhad Journal of Agriculture, 38:3, 1017-1025
Moses, Alison Croney. What We Hold. 2022. Cedar wood and milk paint. The Center for Art in Wood, Philadelphia.
Narango, Desiree L. et al. “Nonnative plants reduce population growth of an insectivorous bird.” PNAS, 115:45, 11549-11554. November 6, 2018.
Stoetzer, Bettina. “RUDERAL ECOLOGIES: Rethinking Nature, Migration, and the Urban Landscape in Berlin.” Cultural Anthropology. 33:2, 295–323. 2018. DOI: 10.14506/ca33.2.09
Mendelson, Ellie, et al. “What Is a Leaf?” Frontiers for Young Minds. Frontiers Media SA. 31 March 2022.