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Odor – Reflections

What did you learn?

The “critical” and “experience” 🙂

The tools and terms such as “system thinking”, “IAE”, “public and counter public” are really useful to structure a project.

And there’s a mind-shifting moment, which is the best part I learned in this class: What is an experience.

I realized that I misunderstood the “experience” after a meeting with Monika. It should not be preachy. Instead, let the audience use or feel what you want to deliver.

Then I reviewed the whole class and gained new understandings of why we have to learn these thinking and terms. I haven’t fully applied them. But they will help me in the future.


What feedback did you receive? Any reflections on critique itself?

The most important point to think about is “What can users do after they feel empathy?”

So far my project is raising the problem only. It would be better to show some directions.

However, I do know what we can suggest exactly. This is more of a personal choice after a person realizes there is a symptom called olfactory dysfunction.


What might you do differently in terms of process or content?

It might be better to start from a question, or something I want to improve.

The topic odor was like a form direction instead of a point. Although the question related to odors can be the critical point, I find myself easily attracted to forms.  (I admit that I do enjoy building something).


What was inspiring? What parts?

The moment I understood the term “experience”. A good experience is like if your work is going to exhibit in an area uses another language, the audience can still understand.

This leads me to think more about what artworks can do.


Revisit the assignment prompts: how did your project relate to the original prompts, in terms of critical lens, audience, tone, etc… 

There was a shifting while the initial idea, odors are ignored is unchanged.


How did you balance research and experimentation? Which is easier for you? How can you focus more on the areas that you shy away from

Both are not easy or hard. I’m just not used to this research and experimentation. It’s not uncommon for me to start from a problem, search information, find solutions, try some implements, and decide the way to solve it. But they are from engineering angle. From an artwork angle, the biggest difference is who I want to talk to is “the public”, or audience. It is different from a machine. It is also different from a product user.

So I have to figure out the system, the stakeholder. Know more of the situation currently. Learn more about what others care about. Imagine what form they may resonate. And the most important question, what we can do better in life.


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