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Publics and Counterpublics

This is the artwork I choose to analyze:

Who created it:

This artwork is created by Jordan Weber, a land sculptor and activist. It is also created by local communities who participated in bring and growing plants in the greenhouse Weber built.

For whom:

For indigenous communities and black communities. For people who are polarized from food resources, green space and the act of collaboration.

With what materials:

the greenhouse itself was built with wood, glass, steel and other construction materials. There are also many plant pots for growing plants.


The greenhouse is a secured and free space. People could seek comfort, heal wounds, and build a harmonious community in this space.

With what intention:

In many black communities, people are polarized from food resources and green space. This greenhouse provides a space for people to get together and collaborate. He also tries to raise environmental awareness by providing people opportunities to grow their own food, comparing to mono crops grew in industrial farmlands.

What impact, on whom, how:

By setting up more green spaces in the community, it affects human mental state, lowering crime rate. It also helped healing people in the community that are constantly wounded and traumatized. This green space serve as a safe space to be oneself and not be seen as a threat.

Public and counterpublic:

In this artwork, the public would be the black communities and the indigenous communities. The people in these communities are the primary participants of this greenhouse. They have similar life experiences, understand the artists intentions, and benefit most from this green space.

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