I have decided to change my project idea from a field guide to a cookbook guide form. I use the humor metaphor to create a book that shows the animals’ guide to taxidermizing humans instead of the other way around. After my talk with Monika, I had more insight into how to do this project. As well as how I can implement humor into this subject. The “cookbook” guide form has information on how to taxidermize a body, more specifically a human. I had gotten the information from wikihow.com. Initially, my research started with the definition on ‘Taxidermy’. Taxidermy by Merriam-webster.com is, “the art of preparing, stuffing, and mounting the skins of animals and especially vertebrates”. Then did research on the history on Taxidermy. The process of ‘mummification’ of animals using wraps, oils, and salt.
Finally, for my humor metaphor, I changed the form and did animals taxidermy on humans instead.
Merriam-Webster.com – https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/taxidermy
wikiHow.com- 3 Ways to Do Taxidermy – wikiHow
Bones, K. (2021, September 16). The history of Taxidermy. Kodiak Bones and Bugs Taxidermy. Retrieved October 9, 2022, from https://bonesandbugs.com/the-history-of-taxidermy/#:~:text=Taxidermy%20has%20been%20around%20for,and%20available%20resources%20and%20technology.