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Ideas Arrangements Effects

Ideas Arrangements Effects

  • At some point this week, look around you and produce a drawing (or take a picture) of a space that you feel is rich in arrangements. In a style similar to the diagram on page 33, annotate your picture or drawing with the “hard” and “soft” arrangements you can identify.

  • Map an aspect of your topic to the Ideas/Arrangements/Effects framework. For instance, if you were working with zoos: an idea is that animals should be able to be observed at will by humans; an arrangement is a cage at the zoo; an effect is that animals often become distressed. Since arrangements are “a rich and frequently overlooked terrain for creating change” (32): can you identify a way you could change your identified arrangement, and how that might reflect a different idea, or have a different effect?

Idea: The idea of my project is to let more people understand and feel the wisdom of Buddhism by looking at the Buddhist figures.

Arrangements: The arrangement could be the conservative presentation of Buddhist art form. Also, the ways of c’s spread did not change a lot since hundreds year ago. People go to the temple, read related books and listening to master’s explanation in order to learn the philosophical concept of buddhism. 

Effects: 1. People feel boring about buddhism. 2. The arrangements make buddhism’s notions be hard to be understand. 3. Younger people are refused to know buddhist concept. 4. It may mislead people that buddhism is a religion which has strict rules and hard for people to learn.

For the different arrangements, I will merge traditional Buddhist figures with modern and fashion elements so that it will be easier to accept by younger generation. I manifest different forms of Buddhist figures, which is also a way of attracting young people. Besides, for the guide I made, I might have an arrangement that users are able to DIY their one Buddhist figures, which means that the figures will not be fixed and they can have infinite possibility. It is also one of the notion from buddhism that the figure of Buddha are changeable.

Ideas Arrangements Effects

  • At some point this week, look around you and produce a drawing (or take a picture) of a space that you feel is rich in arrangements. In a style similar to the diagram on page 33, annotate your picture or drawing with the “hard” and “soft” arrangements you can identify.

  • Map an aspect of your topic to the Ideas/Arrangements/Effects framework. For instance, if you were working with zoos: an idea is that animals should be able to be observed at will by humans; an arrangement is a cage at the zoo; an effect is that animals often become distressed. Since arrangements are “a rich and frequently overlooked terrain for creating change” (32): can you identify a way you could change your identified arrangement, and how that might reflect a different idea, or have a different effect?
    • Idea: Chinese parents are too anxious about their kids’ education
    • Arrangements: A Relieving Package for parents, which includes
      • 30-day diary
      • A pair of “I-can-see-your-strength” glasses
      • A “nice-word” mask
    • Effects:
      • Help Chinese parents relieve the anxiety on education

Ideas Arrangements Effects – response

This is a picture I took of a nucleic acid testing site. This nucleic acid test is used to test if a person got COVID or being a carrier of the COVID virus. To take this text, people first need to register their ID, the workers in the room will scan people’s ID card. Then you need to go to another window for the doctor to take your sample. In Beijing, people need to take this test every 72 hours in order to enter public places like restaurants and shopping malls.


  • People should take this test regularly.
  • Government need to keep track of, control COVID.
  • People should monitor their own health condition, and keep away from getting infected.


  • The location of the testing sites: the testing sites are mainly located near neighborhoods, making it more convenient for people to take the test.
  • Two windows serving different functions in order.
  • The windows only have small openings, preventing contaminations / potential virus from the outside.
  • The lines and facilitators organizing people’s behavior, guiding people to wait in lines and keep distance.
  • The setting of the entrance and exit. Only one way in and one way out.


  • People passes this testing site everyday, and taking the test becomes a daily routine for people.
  • The doctors in the room are well protected.
  • People can register their ID and take the test smoothly, increasing the efficiency of taking the test, preventing people from gathering together and waiting in long lines.
  • Government is able to keep track of COVID situations, and is able to take quick actions whenever a positive case is found.

IAE Reading Response

  • At some point this week, look around you and produce a drawing (or take a picture) of a space that you feel is rich in arrangements. In a style similar to the diagram on page 33, annotate your picture or drawing with the “hard” and “soft” arrangements you can identify.
5th Floor Female restroom of NYUSH
  • Map an aspect of your topic to the Ideas/Arrangements/Effects framework. For instance, if you were working with zoos: an idea is that animals should be able to be observed at will by humans; an arrangement is a cage at the zoo; an effect is that animals often become distressed. Since arrangements are “a rich and frequently overlooked terrain for creating change” (32): can you identify a way you could change your identified arrangement, and how that might reflect a different idea, or have a different effect?


Topic: The practicability of premises QR code and individual QR code arrangement

  • Ideas: The QR health code, used as the only fundamental tool for national infectious disease control, should be able to forecast risk or at least has time effectiveness.
  • Arrangements:
    1/ By requirement, every place of business and public indoor space has its own QR code for customers to scan
    2/ Citizens has individual health QR code for different provinces.
    3/ Each province manages the QR health code differently. (Through different local departments and QR codes being deployed on various platforms)
    4/ By requirement, every citizen has to scan the business QR code in order to enter an indoor space or travel to other cities. As a result, anyone’s geographical change and information will be recorded in individual’s database which is controlled and monitored by the national CDC
    5/ 3 colors of code have been universally practiced. Green means the individual is clean; yellow means there is a potential for close contact with the positive case; red means the individual has contacted with a positive case and potentially is a positive case. The practice of health code intensely controls citizens’ mobility.
  • Effects:
    1/The practice of health code intensely controls citizens’ mobility.
    2/The action of scanning the business QR code at some place is loosely practiced because business owners need to hire extra to “guard” the business from its customers, which also has counter effects hurting the business itself.
    3/Time lag created by procedural inspection which causes questionable effectiveness for the whole process
    4/Internet fury duo to inconveniences caused to citizens in all aspects of their lives
    5/Government losing credibility to its citizens
  • Change:
    It would not be possible for me to give one alternative, otherwise, I would be a scientist leading the national CDC department. However, I’m inspired by the IAE practice done for the public restroom and I think it makes a perfect metaphor for the health code system the Chinese government is trying to fabricate.Imagine the application of the health code as an action we take when we go to the public restroom. Ideally, we will assign ourselves to different pits and use them. The pit of course has been used by many ahead of us. We use it and leave something behind that if later, can prove our visits. There are also counters, aside from the toilets, which people use constantly as an informal place for socializing and small talk. The stool is the date, the pit is the QR app that stores our data. When something went south, the data scientist checks the data and distinguishes the one causing trouble. However, before the data arrives, it has been sitting for a period of time. So scientists could not distinguish which one might be correlated so they track everyone who has been to the pit, and quarantined until they prove the negativity. However, don’t forget the counter area, which people use without leaving a trace. The walls between public pits are like our masks, which helps but does not necessarily mean we are not sharing the same space. So they escape, their data escape. They are the user who doesn’t scan the code, they are also the people who come into the restroom without using the pit.


IAE Response – Apartment hunting in NYC

This is a picture of people standing in line to view an apartment in New York City. Finding an apartment in New York City is notorious for being expensive and competitive with a lot of spoken and unspoken rules. I think the I-D-E framework would be a good way to analyze the process.


  • People should be able to rent a place to live
  • Landlords should be able to find tenants to rent to


  • Landlords have open houses for people to view their apartments
  • Landlords set the rent prices of their apartments based on the market
  • People apply to rent apartments
  • To apply, Renters need to prove their income to be 40x the listed rent, have a good credit score, prove they have savings in a bank account, pay for a security deposit upfront, and pay an application fee


  • Limited housing options make renting an apartment competitive
  • People secretly offer over the listed rent price or more money to brokers to get a leg up on competition
  • Real estate brokers are able to add extremely expensive fees because people are desperate
  • People need to spend over their budget to afford rent because the lack of inventory drives prices up
  • Landlords are not maintaining their apartments and buildings because they know people are desperate
  • People are giving away very personal information when they submit their applications (their income, bank statements, credit history, etc.)
  • People are frequently scammed
  • Real estate brokers are very rude and demanding

An arrangement I would change is to add more rent stabilization laws so that people can have more affordable housing. I would also require landlords to always pay the brokers fees so that people aren’t scammed as often.

Ideas, Arrangements, Effects

Idea: Fracking is bad.

Arrangement: A leaking fracking rig.

Effect: Flammable ground water.

Change: Remove all of the screws from the fracking rig. You can’t frack without screws.

IAE Response


Humans should communicate with pictures and not words.


The way the pictures follow each other creates a meaningful sentence.


A thought is communicated


Rearrange the image; change the message

IAC – Swim meet and Rewilding plants

For this assignment, I analyzed the arrangements at a swim meet. Lots of arrangements for creating competition, winners and losers, quantifying “better” and “worse,” and creating situations for spectating and being watched.



In thinking about arrangements for my topic, I’m thinking about arrangements within the space of “rewilding” (in quotes because I still don’t know a better name for it, even though it’s tricky) with an eye toward the plant communities.

Hard arrangements:

  • physical boundaries between developed land and “rewilded” land
    • creating a sense of “other”
    • creating a hierarchy of “good plants” and “bad plants”
  • physical location of which plants are  near which other plants, how close they are to humans and developed land, and what used to be in that space

Soft arrangements

  • again, good plants and bad plants
  • “native species” and “invasive species”
  • arrangements between people and plants
    • visitors
    • caretakers
    • dependencies on humans for planning, seeding, choosing which can stay and go
  • arrangements between different plants
    • which are dominant
    • how are they competing with each other for resources
    • how are they interacting with each other when they recognize the same species/different species
  • arrangements between plants and animals
    • predator and prey — animals preying upon plants
    • creating homes for animals and bugs
    • allowing this to happen with less human intervention

I’m sure there is a lot more that I’m not thinking about yet!

Ideas Arrangements Effects Response

  • by


IAE Mapping:


The swastika symbol and its similars represent hate and evil because of the Nazis.


The symbol(s) is prohibited or scolded indefinitely in our global society, including in cultures that have used the swastika symbol to represent joy and positive energy for thousand years prior to the Nazi stealing it.


Certain countries’ “common sense” seem to be prioritized over others. Cultural domination through globalization.

IAE Respond

  • At some point this week, look around you and produce a drawing (or take a picture) of a space that you feel is rich in arrangements. In a style similar to the diagram on page 33, annotate your picture or drawing with the “hard” and “soft” arrangements you can identify.

  • Map an aspect of your topic to the Ideas/Arrangements/Effects framework. For instance, if you were working with zoos: an idea is that animals should be able to be observed at will by humans; an arrangement is a cage at the zoo; an effect is that animals often become distressed. Since arrangements are “a rich and frequently overlooked terrain for creating change” (32): can you identify a way you could change your identified arrangement, and how that might reflect a different idea, or have a different effect?

Idea: People use AI-Generated as a tool to create digital art

Arrangement: Set the specific AI-Generated Art Prize

Effect: People think highly of the meaning behind the art, encouraging more and more people to use it.

Updated: Set the specific definition of AI-Generated Art’s copyright, People still trying to blur the border.