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Topic 1 Systems Map

Salt: Systems Map


I revised the map several times. In the beginning, I thought I could only draw a simple “tree”. But during the process, when an item is listed and adjusted. I find there are many possible angles to see the same items. Take the alternative view on the map as an example, if we consider things from the government’s side, the government imposes salt taxes (or duties) and starts wars. And if we compare the “duty” and “tax”, the duty causes wars while the tax causes revolutions. They are external and internal perspectives respectively. This also reflects “system thinkings”. Besides, The salt tax also supports some wars in history. Which makes things more interesting.


Another map:


Puppets – Systems Mapping

Concept Map

Reinforcing Feedback Loop:

Through concept mapping, I realize there is a lot more I can talk about than I original thought. The connection between life is like a play, the play becomes the life – puppets reinforced how we see soulless humans and how we think of humans without souls when seeing a puppet, the two create an interesting feedback loop.

Skin: Fenestra – Systems Map

Concept Map and other system diagrams:


My discover:

For the topic: Although “fenestra“ is a technical term used in several different disciplines, it has something in common.  The function behind this constructure is always about transportation and interflow. It helps create a balance in the system and facilitates communication between the inner side and the outside of a single system.

For the system diagrams: I’m used to using a mind map to help me think and organize my thoughts. This is my first time using a concept map, and I felt a little uncomfortable while building it. I think it is because these two kinds of maps are similar but different that the old way of thinking influenced me. The iceberg helps me a lot by showing the development of the word’s meaning. I connected these fragments by following how fenestra’s meaning is added.

Systems Mapping – Coat of Arms

Concept Mapping


Triangle Mapping


What I learnt?

Concept Map is a great tool to help sort out the relationship of concepts of my research topic.  By creating the concept map, I better understand concepts, terms and ideas related to the topic  and how they work. Also, I think I can keep referring to, visiting and revising the concept in the following weeks.

Besides, I also create a Triangle diagram to show the evolution of “Coat of Arms” and the key event behind each stage.

Systems Map Landfills (Space)


What I learned:

I learned that landfills are actually incredibly complex systems with more stakeholders and parts than I could fit on the mind map. They may seem very simple (just a bunch of trash being stuffed under some dirt) but there are serious impacts on economic oppertunities, local ecology, climate emisions, local government, local property value, groundwater contamination, and so many other effects.


From the map, I find that ancient Indian yoga is actually quite different from modern yoga. Ancient Indian yoga mainly focuses on practice, and there are many different branches in ancient yoga, but its core idea is to achieve the goal of harmony between heaven and man and secularization. However, modern yoga has basically shifted its focus to physical exercise and added many modern fitness poses. Gradually, it has become a commercial sport. Yoga has developed into a business worth billions of dollars worldwide, involving courses, teacher certification, clothing, books, videos, equipment and holidays. The United Nations General Assembly designated June 21 as the International Yoga Day. On December 1, 2016, yoga was listed as an intangible cultural heritage by UNESCO.