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Topic 2 Daily Practice

Daily Practice – 6

I want to use this game to show the inefficiency and limitation of teachers in traditional pedagogy. The first player is like teachers in a classroom. You posses a lot of knowledge,  and you need to transmit your knowledge to students through language, and you need to let students understand what you mean.

Daily Practice – 5

In this game, I want to show the inequality in traditional classrooms. There are two positive feedback loops in this game. If you roll a big number at the beginning, you can add more points to you dice, which will make it easier for you to roll a big number next time. Thus your number will be bigger and bigger. Oppositely, if you roll a small number at the beginning, you will more likely to roll a small number in later attempts. In the end, you will get smaller and smaller points.

Daily Practice – 4

This is a board game I designed based on chess. As you can see, the rules only give you information about four animals, but the actual game includes much more animals. So to play this game, you need to communicate with other players, and come up with your own set of rules.

This game design resembles the limitation of teaching inside classroom. We can only receive limited amount of knowledge in the classroom, but when we go outside and connect with the real world and the society, there are many unknown things to you. To work them out, you need to communicate with others or form your own set of rules.

Daily Practice – 3

This is a concept I made based on the researched I did on the topic pedagogy. Pedagogy is a very big topic, and the concept of pedagogy developed and changed overtime. At the beginning, teacher was considered a key role in pedagogy, students learn from a teacher, a teacher facilitates students’ learning. With the development of society, people started to see more problems in traditional pedagogy. As stressed in critical pedagogy, there are many limitations like inequality, power abuse, etc. To achieve better education, the function and power of teachers had to change.

As pedagogy kept developing, student-centered learning appeared, in which, teachers hold lesser control, while students become the learner as well as the facilitator. This makes me wonder how pedagogy would be like in the future. Would it be possible that the role of teacher is totally removed from the class. Currently, there are already products and programs that utilize artificial intelligence and virtual reality to facilitate teaching. I wonder if AI could actually replace teacher, creating a new pedagogy without real human teacher.

Day 6 – Russia

Day 6

The air is cold,

My breath looks back at me.

Death on the side of our journey.

We continue.

My mother is gone.

Beneath the white water is sleeping.

When will we arrive?

I wonder.

Many stayed and some continue.

Some people changed,

Eyes, skin, and hair.

We are different yet one tribe.

We continue.

New places and different foods.

I continue to on.

I am not HOME.

Day 3 – Saudi Arabia to Iran

Day 3

It is dark,

The moon shines brightly,

The fire dances with the music.

Dancing and singing all through the night.

Many have died along the way.

Some strayed and some stayed.

We have blended with others.

Our cultures intertwined like the braids in our hair.

Tight and beautiful.

The sun rises again,

We move.


Day 2 – Egypt or North Africa.

Day 2

Dirty feet and unknown smell in the air,

Yet we still continue.

Some people stayed.

Curious minds and eyes wander.

My throat is dry and my

Stomach continues to make music.

Many have strayed,

Some into a sandy desolate place.

We continue to walk.

When will we reach our unknown?




Day 1- South Africa

For my topic, I decided to do research about “The Great Human Migration.” The migration of people from Africa to the rest of the world. The specific group I chose was the Native Americans. Their journey from Africa across Asia and through part of Russia into North America.

My daily practice would be a poem. The poem would be written from the first-person point of view as if it were a person during the times of The Great Migration. Doing this would help to get a feel of what it might have been like during those times.

A map of early human migration patterns and the distribution of Pediculus humanus clades.:

Day 1

Today is the day,

My tribe is moving out to the unknown.

I am worried and afraid.

I move quickly into the bright sun.

The trees sway with every motion.

My father grabs my hand.

Our steps in sync

It is time to see the outside world.

Daily Practice – Day 6 Harp

Daily Practice:

Try to play 水调歌头(Prelude to Water Melody)  with ~6 different instruments.

Prelude to Water Melody is an ancient Chinese poem. It has been set to music, and the song is popular in different generations of China

The wiki link:

Day 6:  Harp

I don’t have a harp, so I controlled my character in-game to play the harp for today’s practice instead.

The harp is a stringed musical instrument that has a number of individual strings running at an angle to its soundboard; the strings are plucked with the fingers. Harps can be made and played in various ways, standing or sitting and in orchestras or concerts. Its most common form is triangular in shape and made of wood. Some have multiple rows of strings and pedal attachments.

The Record:

Audio Player

Daily Practice – Day 5 Electric Guitar

Daily Practice:

Try to play 水调歌头(Prelude to Water Melody)  with ~6 different instruments.

Prelude to Water Melody is an ancient Chinese poem. It has been set to music, and the song is popular in different generations of China

The wiki link:

Day 5: Electric Guitar

An electric guitar is a guitar that requires external amplification in order to be heard at typical performance volumes, unlike a standard acoustic guitar, it uses one or more pickups to convert the vibration of its strings into electrical signals, which ultimately are reproduced as sound by loudspeakers.

The Record:

Audio Player