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Topic 2 Daily Practice

daily practice 6

Day 6:

Avalokitesvara figure from Indian Buddhism: 

In ancient Indian, Avalokitesvara looks like plain people. He doesn’t have complicated  decoration and his upper body is naked. He gives us an ascetic feeling. Below is my Indian Avalokitesvara figure’s montage.

Siri Daily Practice-4

My initial critical thinking about AI-Generated art is about the copyright, is it belongs to the artist(user)/developer/company/AI? In other words, what do people or organizations think about AI-generated art? Do arts must have to be created by people?

I created this feedback loop below:


Read list:

Daily Practice 6

What are some possible ways to pave a future? Here are some examples from this year or recent years.

  1. Oregon State: Educating all students about the usage of other symbols similar to the Nazi Swastika, such as the 卍。
  2. How do we deal with current events and hate crimes involving the Swastika symbol though?
  3. How sensitive should we be about the Nazi Swastika, considering a lot of decorative patterns can look similar to it.
  4. Is the art world a safe space to use the Swastika for critical thinking purposes?

Siri Daily Practice-3

The DALL·E reminds me of the topic Jaye introduced last semester, about AI data biases, so I added a new path about this topic and connected it with the related impact to other aspects.

I also tried to use Midjourney to test the data biases but found the developers may have fixed the problem and intentionally set the rule to prevent racist, sexist and other stereotypes.

Prompt: a man sitting in a prison cell

Prompt: a photo of an angry man

Topic 2: Daily Practice #1

For my daily practice, I decided to create illustrations/infographics on my topic, “How email affects climate change”. Each day, I plan to create an illustration of all the junk email I receive for that day, and organize the information to see what patterns/conclusions are formed. For Day 1, I drew an envelope of each junk mail I received for the day and color coordinated from each sender to see a high-level overview of which company sends the most emails in one day:

daily practice 5

Day 5:

Avalokitesvara figure from Thailand Buddhism: 

In Thailand, figure of Avalokitesvara are usually thousand hands and thousand eyes. They also looks colourful than other countries’ Avalokitesvara. Below is my Thai Avalokitesvara figure’s montage.

Daily Practice – Day 4


Having trouble keeping the file size for the back of the postcard under the 1MB limit, for some reason. It reads “Dear Mom, I felt the warm sun on my face today and tried to remember to savor it – I know I’ll back on it with envy.”