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Topic 2 Development

Design Matrices/Project Prototype

Here’s a link to my prototype for the emoji mixer to create new emojis. It’s using another coding project (referenced in the code) and Google’s Emoji Kitchen. It’s for a sample interaction for the emoji dictionary to create experiences around emojis since I don’t think I’ll be able to get a whole home page up and running.



Also, here are some matrices to map my project:


Topic 2 Development (Update)

I shifted the focus of my project to be a one stop shop emoji dictionary that could serve as a place for people to make/share emojis, see existing emojis and their meanings, and join emoji communities or friend groups where they can find like-minded emoji-ers.

Iterations of my project (so far for the landing page of the emoji dictionary):


New ideas that came up from user testing/feedback:

-Make an emoji combiner/masher to help people create new emojis and build out the emoji dictionary

-Make a text to emoji or emoji to text converter (kind of like google translate for emojis)

Topic 2: Meet with Librarian + Bibliography

  • by

I was not able to meet with Margaret the Librarian via Zoom, but we had several email correspondences. She suggested some additional reading related to taboo words in languages, which I found interesting, and make perfect sense.



Listverse. “10 Historical Swastikas Unrelated To The Nazis,” August 1, 2015.

“77 Years Later Swastika Likely to Be Declared Not Guilty as Calif. Senate Public Safety Committee Clears Bill – Indica News.”

“A Group of Protesters Demanded That a Native American Swastika Be Removed from an SLC Market — but Were They Right?”

Argyle, Samuel. “In Japan, a Debate about Swastikas Takes on New Urgency.” The Outline.

Azzaro, Gabriele. “Taboo Language in Books, Films, and the Media.” In The Oxford Handbook of Taboo Words and Language, edited by Keith Allan, 0. Oxford University Press, 2018.

Burridge, Kate, and Réka Benczes. “Taboo as a Driver of Language Change.” In The Oxford Handbook of Taboo Words and Language, edited by Keith Allan, 0. Oxford University Press, 2018.


“California Biennial Runs Scared of Swastika Artwork.” Accessed November 21, 2022.

“Can the Swastika Ever Reclaim Its Original Meaning?”

Culpeper, Jonathan. “Taboo Language and Impoliteness.” In The Oxford Handbook of Taboo Words and Language, edited by Keith Allan, 0. Oxford University Press, 2018.

Dewaele, Jean-Marc. “Linguistic Taboos in a Second or Foreign Language.” In The Oxford Handbook of Taboo Words and Language, edited by Keith Allan, 0. Oxford University Press, 2018.

City of Bartlesville. “Did You Know: The Misunderstood Swastika,” December 8, 2021.

Doctor, Vikram. “The Swastika Problem: Symbol of Peace or Hate?” The Economic Times.

Gruver, Tim. “Should Buddhism Reclaim the Swastika?” The Seattle Globalist (blog), May 9, 2016.


“Japan to Drop the Swastika from Its Tourist Maps | Japan | The Guardian.” Accessed November 21, 2022.

“‘Kanye Was Rite’: Jewish Cemetery Vandalized with Swastikas in Suburban Chicago.” Accessed November 21, 2022.

Mecklin, John. “BTS, the ‘Atomic Bomb Shirt,’ and South Korean Attitudes toward Nuclear Weapons.” Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists (blog), November 19, 2018.

NEWS, KYODO. “Japanese Buddhist out to Educate West on Swastika of Good Fortune.” Kyodo News+. Accessed November 21, 2022.

The Hamilton Spectator. “Opinion | The Swastika Can Never Be an Innocent Symbol,” September 7, 2017, sec. Contributors.

The Swastika: Constructing the Symbol. London: Routledge, 1994.

Northern Star. “Red Indian Tribes Ban Swastika.” May 2, 1940.

“Religious Groups Call for Education on Swastikas before Ban on Nazi Symbol Comes into Effect – ABC News.” Accessed November 21, 2022.

AP NEWS. “Sacred Navajo Symbols on Art Often Confused for Swastikas,” August 18, 2018.

Sosa, David. Bad Words: Philosophical Perspectives on Slurs. Oxford, UNITED KINGDOM: Oxford University Press, Incorporated, 2018.

NBC News. “South Asians Want People to See the Difference between Religious Swastikas and Nazi Symbols.” Accessed November 21, 2022.

City of Albuquerque. “Swastikas.” Accessed November 21, 2022.

“The Buddhist Swastika Becomes Popular Slang In Japan.”

“The Controversial Shirt Jimin Wore Gets Sold out | Allkpop.” Accessed November 21, 2022.

Ideas Arrangements Effects



  • Idea:
    • This device should be a comfortable wristband to wear while sleeping
    • The wristband can monitor heart rate and body temperature
    • The monitored heart rate and body temperature data can be analyzed to see if you are having a nightmare
    • The bracelet can help soothe the user’s emotions and adjust the nature of dreams


  • Arrangements:
    • The user should wear the wristband while sleeping
    • The wristband should be comfortable and not interfere with sleep quality
    • The sleeping environment should be quiet and free from distractions


  • Effects:
    • To detect whether the sleeping person is having a nightmare, an
    • To help the nightmare person to adjust the dream
    • To improve sleep efficiency

Topic 2: Systems Maps

For my topics “How email affects climate change”, I created two systems maps. The first one is to analyze the feedback loop of how emails are constantly generated. The second map is exploring the different categories of emails an average user receives and discover all the different places emails can come from.

Topic 2 – IAE Map

Map an aspect of your topic to the Ideas/Arrangements/Effects framework:


The subject of history and what is taught in schools comes from a very specific lens, often discounting or altogether removing the stories, experiences, and accounts of other peoples and populations. History is often revised to benefit one side of the story, further bolster a motive, or support a particular point/initiative.


“Good vs. Bad” – when sharing a narrative, it is often always from the viewpoint of one/one collective body. History recounts events that led to the formation and norms of society, but all include inherently flawed people. Yet, we still project a “good guy” / “bad guy”  lens when recounting these stories. I’m sure if seen from the opposite side, the flipped view/roles would be true. We are all the main characters in our own stories, and how we process, experience, and are affected by events has ripples in how we show up in the world and further perpetuate these concepts in society.


Uneven power dynamics, Marginalized peoples/cultures, racism, xenophobia, homogenization, gender inequity, unequal rights


Can you identify a way you could change your identified arrangement and how that might reflect a different idea or have a different effect?

More equitable arrangements would produce more equitable results. Having a scale of power creates a sense of entitlement and dominance. There is always more than one side to every story, beyond a singular cause and effect.