Topic 2 Final Reflection
What did you learn?
From this course, I learned how to do a deep research on a topic and how efficiently filter useful message from a bunch of words. Also, I learned how to use different tones to express idea so that the target audience can be better accept my information. Lastly, interview and user test are also important part for doing a project as they provide different perspectives from public or counter public. Their voices will be helpful for improving the project’s contents and presentation. For the final guide, I also learned a lot about different buddha figures and the meaning behind them.
What feedback did you receive? Any reflections on critique itself?
From what Sarah said, my intentional critique sounds like have different tones with guide’s form. This is also what I tried to solve. In a way, I want to have an educational or serious tone which user can have more insightful knowing on Buddhism, however, my guide showed more on material design and contemporary art, which weakens the element of Buddhism even though I used the key features of buddha figures when user DIY Buddha.
What might you do differently in terms of process or content?
I will not do too much differently eventually. However, I will clear what my tone is and have more changeable elements on the website.
What was inspiring? What parts?
The precess of designing guide form and doing research is inspiring cause they are the most difficult part of this course. To find an appropriate guide for a topic need a lot of research. This need to spent time and be patient.
Revisit the assignment prompts: how did your project relate to the original prompts, in terms of critical lens, audience, tone, etc…
My project has clear target audience(younger generation) and the tone is humour and ironic. It also has strong intention. However, the critical lens is a little bit off.
How did you balance research and experimentation? Which is easier for you? How can you focus more on the areas that you shy away from
For my understanding, research is necessary before doing an experimentation because it will make your target or thesis clearer and has strong support. Experimentation is easy for me as I don’t like reading research although it is significant. By solving the issue, I will try to cultivate good reading English texts habits.