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Project 2 Bibiliography

Project 2 Bibliography

Almassi, Ben. “Value Disputes in Urban Ecological Restoration: Lessons from the Chicago Wilderness.” Studies in History and Philosophy of Science. 87, 93-100. April 8, 2021.

Carter, Steve, et al. “Guiding Principles for Rewilding.” Conservation Biology. 35:1882–1893. February 26, 2021. DOI: 10.1111/cobi.13730

Chadde, Steve W. Prairie Plants of Illinois. Orchard Innovations, 2019.

Eshel, Kat. “7 Problems With Rewilding.” Medium. March 22, 2014,

“Hugo McCloud: from where i stand.” The Aldrich Contemporary Art Museum. 2021.

Ibáñez-Álamo, Juan D. et al. “Biodiversity within the city: Effects of land sharing and land sparing urban development on avian diversity.” Science of the Total Environment, 707, March 10, 2020.

Jaafry, S.W.H. and A. Fatima. 2022. “Interactions among the plants with different neighbor identities and plant communication (A Review).” Sarhad Journal of Agriculture, 38:3, 1017-1025

Moses, Alison Croney. What We Hold. 2022. Cedar wood and milk paint. The Center for Art in Wood, Philadelphia.

Narango, Desiree L. et al. “Nonnative plants reduce population growth of an insectivorous bird.” PNAS, 115:45, 11549-11554. November 6, 2018.

Stoetzer, Bettina. “RUDERAL ECOLOGIES: Rethinking Nature, Migration, and the Urban Landscape in Berlin.” Cultural Anthropology. 33:2, 295–323. 2018. DOI: 10.14506/ca33.2.09

Mendelson, Ellie, et al. “What Is a Leaf?” Frontiers for Young Minds. Frontiers Media SA. 31 March 2022.


Topic 2: Development Update

I have a site in development which works as a submission for a ban fracking petition with a fun twist.

I initially wanted to do a sort of fracking “game” where the player needed to manage a fracking site and have to make certain decisions that were restricted or overrided based on the gas companies profit goals. For example, they would be face with a dilemma like gas leaking into ground water and be given the costs of repairing. If the player declines to repair it and leaves it to a government agency to clean up they get a bonus from their employers. If they go the other route they are told that the company won’t allow them to continue with that route. Ultimately the idea was too complex to be feasible given the project timeline.

For the petition submission, I’m hoping to add additional resources or a menu of sorts where visitors can get more information about the damage fracking causes. I’m not sure that I’ll have time to add it to the site, but it’s a next step in the site development.

I’m also hoping to have 3 total postcards (currently have 1) but I may not have time.

Last, the submission itself doesn’t collect any data. I’m going to keep it that way since this is just a project for this class, but the next steps would be to add a database and utilize an email API (such as sendgrid or similar) to handle the emailing of the postcards.

Design Matrices/Project Prototype

Here’s a link to my prototype for the emoji mixer to create new emojis. It’s using another coding project (referenced in the code) and Google’s Emoji Kitchen. It’s for a sample interaction for the emoji dictionary to create experiences around emojis since I don’t think I’ll be able to get a whole home page up and running.



Also, here are some matrices to map my project:


Topic 2 Development (Update)

I shifted the focus of my project to be a one stop shop emoji dictionary that could serve as a place for people to make/share emojis, see existing emojis and their meanings, and join emoji communities or friend groups where they can find like-minded emoji-ers.

Iterations of my project (so far for the landing page of the emoji dictionary):


New ideas that came up from user testing/feedback:

-Make an emoji combiner/masher to help people create new emojis and build out the emoji dictionary

-Make a text to emoji or emoji to text converter (kind of like google translate for emojis)

Three Janky Prototypes.

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Watch my Powtoon: Who are you?

The video I made to open my project

The physical book I made to support my project

The picture I draw for this project, however, I didn’t use for the final I used all real human being pictured to deliver my theme.