In study groups share 3 projects from your portfolio or IMA, and 3 inspirational projects that somehow relate to your work. Explain what is about these projects that you find inspiring.




Inventing Abstraction interactive from MoMA


A web interactive that illustrates the social networks of artists involved in the abstract 

movement in the early 1900s. I think this is from 2012? At the time it looked really great and to explore an art movement through a social graph was an amazing thing to see at the time.


River of the Net


This was one of my favorite sites when it came out that really emphasized coincidence and

leveraged user generated content, which at the time was still a really novel approach.


This is the “small software” practice of graphic designer David Reinfurt. I really loved his

approach to creating small aesthetically driven alternatives to modern software. It seems 

possible to make a living creating small bits of code rather than giant enterprise applications.


Plus he gave us this bit of writing, which I always think about:




The View


A digital representation of the view from my apartment window in San Francisco 2015-2020.


For the initial concept, I drew upon The Poetics of Space by Gaston Bachelard, a book I recently read that places emphasis on the lived-experiences of spaces rather than their structural or historical origins. Ellsworth Kelly’s depiction of shadows cast through a railing inspired me to use my (quite limited) view as the foundation of an exercise in geometric abstraction.


Over time, this project is meant to grow into a portfolio of “micro-interactions” each with its own isolated exploration of a browser / mobile / or otherwise digital interaction. I see this project as a sort of spiritual successor to John Maeda’s Reactive Books series (c 1990s), which explores the subtleties of human-computer interaction and how the rapid development of digital tools has changed how we work.




I created this project for work a few years ago. I was interested in creating a way to explore art 

without relying on names or titles.


Medias Res


This project was directly inspired by the MoMA interactive above. I used Getty Foundation data 

to create social networks of all the artists in their collection.