
Safe driving is an important topic that has been discussed in the world today, because it is related to the happiness of every driver’s family. Driving is often associated with negative terms, such as traffic accidents, life-threatening, fines, etc. Everyone has only one life, but many people tend to ignore the impact of personal small actions on life, so what I want to study is how to keep people driving safely and away from danger. In more detail, what I care about is how to get my friends who love speeding to get rid of this bad habit and return to safe driving.


What do you plan to make?

I may make a gift from my loved ones in physical form. Affect the driving behavior of relatives towards the driver. This gift is similar to c. It is displayed as a warning text or picture through the small hole imaging technology, so that the driver can understand the concern of relatives. Maybe put this gift in the car, so that the driver always feels the concern of his loved ones


Why is this important to you?

On the Internet, on TV, and in newspapers, you can often see many tragic traffic accidents that have caused the fragmentation of one family after another. I also have many friends and relatives who drive. I don’t want these tragedies to happen around me, so I hope to study it to change people’s possible dangerous driving behaviors.


What are your goals with this project?

At least I hope that this research will be helpful to friends or relatives who have the habit of speeding around. I hope that after seeing my design, they will actively be alert every time they drive, control their driving behavior, and drive safely.



Definition of dangerous driving, difference between careless driving and dangerous driving. How to avoid dangerous driving.

Countries have severe economic penalties for speeding. Dangerous driving is not only a threat to life, but also financial loss.

The cost of dangerous driving: Why is there speeding? The purpose of speeding is to save time. Is this time saving at the cost of serious road injuries and deaths? Is it worth it?

DrivingSense: Dangerous Driving Behavior Identification Based on Smartphone Autocalibration

Using technology to judge driving behavior

Specific examples of dangerous driving behaviors detected through technology.

Analysis of speeding

What is dangerous driving

The salience of love, affection and intimacy is an important source of influencing the family’s joint decision-making of personal goals and aspirations

The importance of family love to people

Family’s influence on personal behavior


How do you envision realizing this project?

Make a  physical thing like a diorama. Make a semi-open cylinder with an open top and a closed bottom. Make small holes equidistantly on the surrounding walls, and open a hole in the center of the bottom for fixing the drive shaft. The drive shaft is connected to a small rotatable motor, which can be driven by a AA battery. Paste a note with content on the inner wall of the cylinder. When the motor rotates, the cylinder accelerates, and people can see the warnings and concerns of relatives to the driver from the small hole. The note can be replaced, and the content of concern can also be replaced at any time. To make this gift, you may only need the most common materials, such as discarded cans, paper, small motors available online, batteries, etc. Of course, I will let my driving friend do a test. How would he feel if it were a gift from his child?






