We reached the summer and it’s time for the final push for my thesis project, so now I’m defining specific goals and timeline for the remaining weeks which for sure will feel quick than expected.

The main goal of the project is that people using it experience an introspective an immersive journey which will induce emotions of isolation, anxiety and nostalgia but also hopefulness, relief and empathy, the narrative will feel abstract to the public but their interpretations will be important part of the experience.

For measuring this goal I may want to user test the narrative without telling people what it is about and then letting them described their feelings.

Other point which is determinant for the narrative to be engaging is that the user experience works seamlessly, so people feel natural to the interface allowing them for immerse into it. User testing will be required to check if audience gets right the whole use of the interface.

Connecting people through the interface is something is still not tested, for the technical I’ve ran some experiments on connecting different clients on a server running my Twine engine, so now it’s time to integrate this to the narrative in a certain point which will be the climax of the path

This three points for me have a very high priority and must be checked by the end of this next week.

Refinement for the aesthetics of the project and styling the elements is a next step that will upgrade the piece, first of all music and audio is an important element for the project and I haven’t worked into that much, now I’m using a track which probably will stay but still the piece needs more sonic design for creating narrative curves, for this to be successful the project must have clear moments where sound emphasizes them. I will focus into creating two soundscapes more for the experience that can create unique moments on the maze.

On the visual part there must be some work done on styling stuff, even when I have a sense of the aesthetics, going deeper into the colors, fonts and general design of the elements will be a task should be done sooner rather than later.

For the last but not least I want this work can be featured on exhibitions whether if is online or in person, for achieving this I must have a concise portfolio of documentation of the piece, so it will be a factor I should not leave behind.

The situations where I can say this work is not a success are very tied to the idea of not finding a public for it, now that I could speak by myself and found some topics I want to explore, I think there is some kind of validation seeking that unconsciously makes me feel anxious, breaking down that scenario and what can be the causes, I can say for those which are on my control would be story feeling simple, technology feels clumsy or not working properly and a poor design and quality on the sound and graphic part.

For addressing all of these I put together a timeline which will help to focus into work and get the best results for my piece.

June 7-9 : Story-multi user implementation and user test

June 9-14: Sound design

June 14- 16 : Styling

June 17-23: Documentation and final user testing

June 24-28: Presentation