When I gave my final presentation for the Spring term, I received a lot of helpful commentary from Andrew and the guests we presented for that I made note to keep in mind as I continue working on my project.

I feel like the two areas that are/were weighing on me were gathering of research and my final project form. This was sort of holding me back from maintaining a proper production timeline.

After the first thesis class of the summer, however, I feel like I’m in a better place to more accurately figure out the next steps. Something causing me a lot of distress was trying to figure out how I would even remotely create a website from scratch on my coding skills. In the past I was able to create some level of functioning websites, but I wanted this project to really be appealing and engaging with the user both in its features and visuals. I didn’t feel I could successfully accomplish both in a matter of a few weeks, and either the functionality or appearance of the website would suffer. However in being able to choose to put all my efforts into creating a prototype of my project, I can see my vision through.

As for the research, I have been able to do plenty of online research and gathering data that way. The next part for me is speaking to real people. I need to figure out what a good number of people is to interview and realistically how to accomplish. For instance, I could send a survey to a hundred people with a bunch of questions and get a good amount of feedback that way, and I probably will. But it’s also nice to speak one on one with those within the target audience, although it would be a much smaller number, so I need to decide on a good but realistic goal for that.

Here is where I see my timeline going for the next few weeks, but to be updated dependent on office hours and class discussions:

Through June 10: Use gathered data to update content of website prototype, do I create an app prototype instead?

Through June 17: Surveys & interviews, documentation, apply in class feedback and new info to an updated prototype, try and solidify features and content

Through June 24: Additional interviews/user testing and updates as needed, finalize prototype design

Through June 29: Last user tests? Polish and practice final presentation



My end goal is to create another path for people to be able to form meaningful relationships in a way that combines both an online platform with the opportunity to meet in person.

Many people are still turned off to the idea of meeting and connecting over the internet, so this way allows people to use the internet as a “stepping stone” to sort of filter what they’re looking for but then get a chance to actually date in person.

After encountering my project, a person may feel like this is a good opportunity to try out a form of online dating without the dependency on swiping, matching, or messaging,

My target user is able to use my prototype to meet people, make romantic relationships, or at least new friends.

I hope to have had at least 20 user (testers) by June 24th.

Totally fulfilled: My project is able to become a legitimate, national business with a million users.

Somewhat fulfilled: At least 20 people expressed interest in my concept or opened their minds to online dating in general.

Not fulfilled: At the end of my user testing or presentation no one felt like it was something they would use.

To answer the basic question of “what needs to happen by the time I deliver my project that will make me happy?” I think I need to measure the difference in people’s viewpoints. I don’t think I could ever establish this on my own as a working platform, so to measure my success as a project within this class, I would go based off what the audience hearing my presentation things. Anyone can give positive feedback to your face to be polite but I want real opinions. I wish that I had done this sooner, but maybe I still can, and sent out some sort of survey asking IMA how they felt about online dating apps/sites and why, and then to send another a survey after my presentation to see if any thoughts have changed and (anonymously) how people would actually feel about my concept. But I suppose I can still do this with the class, or at least other people who have not yet seen my project.