WEEK 13: User Testing Reflection (Scarf Bag Workshop)

Last week I FINALLY had the chance to begin user testing which was AWESOME! I feel like I am finally headed towards the right direction with my project which is a good feeling.


For this user test I had users creating bags out of scarfs they had at home.


I user tested via zoom/FaceTime which was an interesting experience to say the least. User testing with my brothers via face time was a challenge but a fun challenge. I was able to gather information on how I can plan differently for example the instructions on how to make the scarf bag.


-Explaining instructions over zoom/face time is more difficult than I thought.

-If it is difficult explaining over zoom,  imagine what in person will feel like.

-Practice makes perfect. I feel the more practice I get and the better/simpler the instructions are the better.

-Patience. Everyone works at different speeds.


Early Next Week Plans:

-in person user test (at ITP) : group user testing….

-start developing formal instruction guide for kit

-come up with a more advance project that includes materials in kit

-continue working on kit instruction guide


With these user testing results, I hope to get a better understanding and feel of user preference when it comes to my sustainability kit.