What I aim to achieve with this project:

With this project, my goal is to achieve the development of a prototype for a new type of journalism experience that allows users to participate in newsgathering.

What excites me:

I’m excited by the opportunity to share my ideas and see the reactions of others — whether they like the idea and believe it could be something they could use or whether they have more critical responses.

What terrifies me:

I’m terrified of not putting my full effort into my project due to a busy job and school schedule and being distracted by the newness of being in New York.

How I feel about presenting my work:

I’m excited to present my work! Now that I’m on campus and in person again I am loving the opportunity to be around my classmates and discuss our projects and ideas with them. So presenting my project will be a fun opportunity to show my ideas and what I have been working on.

Changes (from my last presentation):

Changes from my last presentation include new designs and interactions in my project. Also, I am hoping to do my project in person. Also, I figured out how to get the prototype on my phone so users can use experience the protoype on a phone. And also I hope to have a better and more well-thought-out story and powerpoint slide for my presentation.

Who else might care about it:

I think people working in media/news and people who have moved to a new city and are looking to be social and experience all the culture/events their city might have to offer would be interested in my project.

Key Performance Indicators:

After encountering my project, I would like for users to be able to imagine a new way to consume news media with their participation and learn about cultural events in their neighborhood. I would like the users to feel excited and want to download the app.

What success looks like:

Success looks like a Figma prototype that has had at least three rounds of user testing, a prototype that is interactive, and all the functionalities are built out and clickable. A UX that makes sense and aligns with their appropriate user journeys. There are no glitches in the prototype. No need for an explanation of “this is how it’s supposed to work.” A design that I am proud of!

A somewhat fulfilled thesis:

A Figma prototype that is built out, most of the glitch have been resolved, a design that looks pretty good, UX/UI that mostly makes sense — it may need a little explaining

What failure looks like:

A prototype that is not fully built out (all the sections of the app are not there and they are not clickable), the prototype is glitchy and the UX/UI paths don’t make sense, the design does not look fresh or up to date, the functionality does not make sense or align with the thesis question/concept

For user tests:

I plan to let user testers play around with the app with little direction. I want to observe how they use the app and then ask them questions about what they thought about the experience and what their first reactions were while using the app

***Side Note: Very sorry for the late post — Thank you Kat for holding me accountable!