What I know/What I think:

I know that I wan’t to create a non-linear, story driven, transmedia experience with at least two significant non-visual sensory components.

I know that want to create an interactive experience that challenges a user to move beyond voyeurism and mindless entertainment and into a space of intentional contributor and co-creator.’

I know that I want to create work that lives at the intersection of form and function, blurring distinctions between art and utility, poetry and prose.

I think I want to center my work on the idea of “engineering possibility through impossible situations”, focusing on nebulous concepts like, “feeling seen”, “building trust”, “creating connection”, “being present”, “navigating ambiguity”, and “inspiring wonder”.

I know I want to create work about the individuals in our loRes community, at least in part.

I know that the same things that attracted so many of us to this program leave many other people feeling lost, alone, and afraid.

I want make this project for them – the (growing number of) people who find themselves facing unknown or uncertain territory: people doing hard things, for the first time, in isolating environments, alongside people who appear, communicate, think, and live, in wholly unfamiliar ways.

I know that we are a group of pioneers, a community that transects time zones, culture, age, backgrounds, you name it – engaged in the very first run of an innovative program, in the middle of a once in a generation pandemic, and we’re doing entirely over Zoom.

I think, on the whole, loRes has been extraordinarily successful creating a connected community of incredibly diverse individuals, most of whom have never met in person, and because of our heterogeneity, together, we can offer panoramic perspective and sharp insight into how engineering possibility feels/sounds/moves/changes/tastes, etc.

I know I want to have conversations, and to share silence.

I know I want to experiment with and question my assumptions and habitual patterns, and to rediscover  what it means to listen, see, watch, understand, and connect.

I know want to work with a commitment to beginners mind, unrelenting compassion, courage, and persistence. I’m ready to fall on my face, look like an idiot, and do it again, but better, the next day.

I know I want to build something with the potential to evolves into a co-creative tool that communicates with and about our community well beyond the June 2nd deadline.