I would like to use this entry to digest some of the research I was doing today into the Amazon SDK. I think that there are many tools housed here that will enable me to do what I want without having to actually develop an interface for my tool. I don’t want to back away so quickly from working with a tool, but I think thematically diving into the AWS IoT developer tools will allow me to learn quite a bit about this technology while developing performances thematically centered around Amazon controversies. I watched a video tutorial in the documentation where it seemed like Amazon is subtly pressuring everyone making smart devices to use their SDK on hardware independent of Amazon. It feels like they are able to do this because they own so much of the infrastructure associated with IoT. The person in the video phrased it like “we are constantly evolving and bettering our infrastructure, so it doesn’t make sense for you to hire an engineer to keep up with our progress. Just use our firmware.” Anyway, moving forward, I am going to look at the Amazon IoT Core developer tools to see if I can write applications in there. I know that it allows me to interact with the MQTT directly from devices. It also allows me to connect with Alexa Voice Services where I could potentially allow for some user interaction. I need to look into how I will be able to interface with my Echo’s Smart Hub when it arrives. I haven’t found much documentation here about the Zigbee capabilities between devices.