For this week I shift my thesis subject to ‘Fertility Rights’


  1. Should single as well as married women are allowed to freeze their eggs?not according to China’s top health authority, whose recent comments de defending this position, sparked heated debate this week.
  2. Men can freeze sperm, but women cannot freeze eggs. The official explanation is that the technology and risks of freezing eggs are different from the risks of freezing sperm.
  3. Another new is the Chinese celebrity Shuang Zheng’s surrogacy issues cause a big debate in China.


[Initial Ideas]

Woman’s Fertility gradually declines in the 30s, particularly after age 35, but for various reasons (Workplace competition/ psychological/ Sexual orientation/……), This contradiction is plagued by more and more women of 30+, who somehow do not want to move so early In married life, some focus on career, and some are bisexual (including men).


The different physiological structure leads to the unfairness of the social status of men and women. From another perspective, if men are given the possibility of giving birth to themselves, will they reverse the composition and the order of this society? Society will become freer and closer to utopia, or will it violate the laws of nature,Leading mankind go to a destructive ending?


In China, the issue of fertility has always symbolized power. The issue of fertility is an emerging social issue as it is a conflict between male and feminist rights. It’s the dominant power infertility has the dominant power in society.


For my thesis, I want to discuss the woman’s fertility rights, especially the 30+mid-class woman who want to keep single or have no plan to give birth to a baby in their fertility ages.

Can they in charge of their fertility?


With the emergence of egg freezing and surrogate technology, many people regard it as a regret medicine that may choose the current life.

Should we support females conduct their own fertilities?

Thus, I want to discuss the following questions:

* Egg freezing: Can Woman hold fertility rights in their own hands? Like they want to have children later in their lives?

*What if the man can fertilize in the future? Can man instead of woman be a ‘mother’?

*Surrogate Industry: Ukraine’s baby factories: Is surrogacy fair?

*The conflicts between Middle Class and the Authorities.

*What if there’s a new medicine technique to reverse restores periods and produces fertile eggs. The quality of women’s eggs is not limited by age. If it’s can come to Ture, will it cause any other social problems?

*Low birth rate and freezing




*Questionnaire: As for the Experiment part, I did a Questionnaire for my friends who share different views about the ‘Fertility rights’:

Anonymous 1/Anonymous 2

video: As for the experiment part, I have two video clips related to my topic, I shared the video to my mates and let them write down the feelings after they watched the videos, but I haven’t get feedback yet, Once I get the feedback I will update immediately

[Cornell Box]


My Box includes:

  • A lipstick
  • Italian Paintings : Perugino/Lucas Cranach the Elder vs Jean-Auguste-Dominque Ingres/Cimabue
  • White Ball
  • Arduino
  • Accessories Box
  • Teshima Art Museum Handbook