Author: Kelsie Smith

Thesis Production Timeline

Here’s a rough outline of my production timeline. PRODUCTION TIMELINE Continued research (references, experts, conversations, reflections on previous research) Have a complete thesis proposal to share at midterm presentation Thursday, April 1st – Midterm Presentation Continued research (references, experts, conversations, reflections on previous research) Thursday,…

Thesis Proposal Draft

Hi! I’m not sure if this is supposed to be one long paragraph BUT for my draft I wanted to answer the guiding questions and including all my thoughts that went into answering the questions and see where answering these questions take me as I…

Week 3

Pick at least one academic paper, post a link and your response to its claims/insights. One academic paper I came across in my research that I found interesting claims that a gap exists between what news consumers, specifically young adults, are doing and using on…

Week 2

Hello. Week two of my thesis journal. I mostly researched on some projects with similar ideas. It was fun to see what’s already out there and help think of more ideas and also to remember old ideas/inspirations! I already talked about Snap Map last week….

Thesis Journal 1

For my thesis, I would like to explore a project that uses technology to foster better understanding between people who belong to different groups in society. Looking back at my previous projects, this is a common theme. I think it is an important topic to…