13: r.i.p. RPi and project update… 14 days left!
The last two weeks were especially challenging and I had fallen behind in my thesis development. Below is an update and a revised timeline. INPUT/OUTPUT After speaking with Shawn Van Every who wrote p5 serial (!!!) as well as Rudi and Kat Sullivan, I set…
12: KPIs and thesis completion timeline
What do you want? I want my dog to recover. express the poetry of relationality by collaborating on an interactive artwork with the soil itself position rocks as mamas that move in deep time, the soil as the child of the rock, and holes as…
12: mockup v2 feedback
DISCOVERIES: In the most recent mockup that I “tested” there is a single rock (mama guardian) instead of my previous mock-up with the two rocks (Meoto Iwa homage). It felt that the two were overpowering the soil spirit portals. I will revisit the two as…
11: progress notes, initial concept tests, changes
PROGRESS NOTES I completed the soil sensor setup and am sending two values (temperature and humidity) via Arduino and P5 serial to my P5 sketch. I began testing how these values will impact images. Last week both Andrew and Despina felt that I was stuck…
10: soil impacting video obstacles
As reflected in last week’s conversations and the previous post, using Butoh’s approach and the Triad framework (Rock, Soil, and the Hole-y Spirit) provides a fertile ground for exploring animism, deep time, and materiality of technology. There are almost too many rich layers. Perhaps this…
9: showAthing conversations
I had great conversations with Jamie Allen, Sarah Rothberg, Matt Romein, and Anna Greenspan. My point of departure was the guiding conceptual framework of my project — the triad of ROCK SOIL AND HOLE. I presented mockups for the installation utilizing three video sources: 1….
8: feedback collective and midterm presentation
Last week’s feedback collective with Shelley Lu, Carrie, and my LowRes comrades was super helpful. I am thankful for the generous notes. I still need to clarify my/human presence as I cross water with the rock, boroscope’s imagery as being reminiscent of entrances into the…
6: ontological parasites and travel
After discussing the thesis draft with key ITP folks, I moved forward with Magic Mapping (Holes for Sale). I will approach the landscape elements, including soil (a vital/ endangered resource) and rocks (with their micro endoliths) as kin to humans in opposition to the anthropocentrism…
5: thesis proposal draft
WHAT IS YOUR THESIS QUESTION? How does an animistic consciousness counter anthropocentrism and expand our perception of the multispecies world? And how can such a consciousness be activated? How can animism and indigenous relationality steer the development of future AI? What mapping practices can present…
Kat Sullivan
Adam Colestock
Helen (Chenuan) Wu
Christina Lan
Dorian Janezic
George Faya
Julia Myers
Kelsie Smith
Michael Morran
Po-Wen Shih
Liu Siyan
Fisher Yu
Craig Protzel
Christopher Wray
Haoqi Xia
Hayden Carey
Katherine Nicoleta Helén
Maria Maciak
Parisa Shemshaki
Sakar Pudasaini
Skyler Pierce
Steven Doughty
Yiqi Wang
Andrew Lazarow
Benoit Belsot
Enrique García Alcalá
Hongyi Zhang
Jay Mollica
Li Shu
Teddy (Jian) Guo
Monika Lin
Wenye Xie
Yiru Lu