Author: maria maciak

12: mockup v2 feedback

DISCOVERIES: In the most recent mockup that I “tested” there is a single rock (mama guardian) instead of my previous mock-up with the two rocks (Meoto Iwa homage). It felt that the two were overpowering the soil spirit portals. I will revisit the two as…

9: showAthing conversations

I had great conversations with Jamie Allen, Sarah Rothberg, Matt Romein, and Anna Greenspan. My point of departure was the guiding conceptual framework of my project — the triad of ROCK SOIL AND HOLE. I presented mockups for the installation utilizing three video sources: 1….

5: thesis proposal draft

WHAT IS YOUR THESIS QUESTION?  How does an animistic consciousness counter anthropocentrism and expand our perception of the multispecies world? And how can such a consciousness be activated? How can animism and indigenous relationality steer the development of future AI? What mapping practices can present…