Author: Parisa Shemshaki

Summer Week 1

When I gave my final presentation for the Spring term, I received a lot of helpful commentary from Andrew and the guests we presented for that I made note to keep in mind as I continue working on my project. I feel like the two…

Class user test + update

Here is what I shared on 4/22 during our in-class user testing: The overall feedback I got was pretty positive, they seemed to like this uncommon version of group dating. Specific suggestions were: Somehow make it more personable in the questionnaire, not only questions…

Show A Thing Feedback, Midterm

Midterm Slides: SAT Slides: I tried to take the suggestions I got after the midterm and apply it to coming up with my Show A Thing presentation so I created two different user journeys, one app based one website based. To describe each…

Thesis Timeline

Thesis topic: online dating This timeline needs a little more work as I finalize my proposal but here’s what I have in mind currently as I think about my idea and what direction I’m trying to take it. March: Research my demographic (probably singles aged…

Thesis Proposal

Thesis Proposal 1: Car WHAT IS YOUR THESIS QUESTION? Many people own a car, use it on an almost daily basis, and yet are still unfamiliar with certain aspects of it. For instance, how to change their radio setting, what happens if they press certain…

Week 2

Experiment: Sketches I’ve narrowed down my topic focus to two ideas– something to help people find their perfect pet and a redesign of the face mask. So I came up with two very rough sketches of what they might look like. I showed this sketch…

Week 1

For my thesis project, I am considering a few very different ideas. Parts of them were inspired from the pandemic. 1. The pandemic got me thinking about safety and then how much driving and traffic decreased because of quarantines and then reverted to almost normal,…