Author: Wenye Xie

Thesis Proposal Draft

WHAT IS YOUR THESIS QUESTION? (approx 2-3 sentences) In order to give your project depth and rigor it is helpful to frame the idea you are exploring as a research question. What is the central question, problem statement, or area of inquiry that you will…

Week 2: Cornell Box & Experiment

For this week I shift my thesis subject to ‘Fertility Rights’ [Background] Should single as well as married women are allowed to freeze their eggs?not according to China’s top health authority, whose recent comments de defending this position, sparked heated debate this week. Men can…

Project Idea

A City of influencers Key words:Virtual celebrity community, iterative celebrity, digital city My initial idea is about the city I live in and its city Hangzhou. Background: Influencer economy and China’s Silicon Valley Hangzhou is called China’s Silicon Valley, because of the development of the…