Thesis 2021 Journal

Week 4: Research, Mood Board, Dream Review

Mural Board Link: *Please scroll to bottom* Solution: My solution will encourage fashion designers to adopt sustainable practices. Research: For this week’s research I decided to find terms or topics that resonate with my topic . And I catorgized them into three different concepts…

Research this week into how caricatures of the late 18thand early 19thcentury reinforce institutional agendas such as the census (relationship between image-making in propaganda and general consensus, bias). Mutually reinforcing. Yellowface is another example of the racism prevalent in American culture….

Thesis Journal 4

Moodboard Review Mirror Ball: The installation looks like a mix of cyberpunk and steampunk, full of tech-era elements. Works by 10 different cameras, sensors; 10 screens of different sizes and functions; 10 light LED with different properties. The way the interaction is to rely on sensors…