Category: Journal

User Test of “Breathing”

This week I mainly focus on user experience design and tech. feasibility research. Monday Ruta helped me to simplify the test journey and technical approach, so I changed the original idea which might be unstable and easily broken for a later test. Original touchpoints map:…

#12 – User testing

Spent a lot of time doing some narrative adjustments and feels like it will never ends. Building a narrative for this has been an exciting journey but also a very demanding one, now I’ve decided to have a notebook just for all of the new…

Thesis Development

This past week, I refined aspects of the narrative & the user journey. I almost feel kind of breathless trying to synthesize the readings I’ve done (thanks too Anna Greenspan and Afroditi Psarra), mainly Pre-history of the Cloud, Network Culture, Sparks to Signals, Atmospheres of…

Show-a-Thing Reflection

Inspirations and thoughts from the guest feedback sessions: I am immensely grateful for the opportunity to have received feedback from three guests who all gave a different and insightful perspective on my project. As one of the guests commented, the project involves much public engagement;…

Thesis update & user testing

Conceptual update Last week I’ve started to read The Great Animal Orchestra by: Bernie Krause, and it reinforced me with new knowledge about natural soundscapes and the source of musical inspiration for modern societies. Bioacoustics are also a strong indicator for analyzing the overall health…

User Testing – Fisher

editing…   Interview questions & results (47 results: 42 Chinese, 2 British, 3 American, need to continue to improve the interviewee group.) 1.  Which platforms do you tend to know about information/news on? newspaper 5 tv show 19 wechat moments/微信朋友圈 12 public account push 21…