This week I’ve thought a lot about how I can narrow down my topic to a more specific goal/audience. During the “Show One Thing Show,” my critics all told me I need to be more specific.

It’s difficult to narrow the topic more because I don’t want to get too far away from my original concept or inspiration because I think it was a good idea. But perhaps it’s too general.

Something that was interesting to me this week was how the teenage girl Darnella Frazier helped to shape the Chauvin Trial with the video she took of George Floyd’s death. It could be interesting for an app like this to be for reporting witnessing shootings since sadly it has become something so prevalent in the US. In last week’s news cycle, there were several shootings. This could serve as a way to help tip-off police, help investigations, help journalists, etc. To help hold whoever is involved accountable. But this direction feels a bit sad even though possibly necessary. This would feel like it has more of a goal and purpose and community behind it and making use of technology. Not sure if there is a public need for this, however. Feel like this would be more interesting for the metaphor of how powerful taking a video can be.

Dana and I discussed the app being for travelers/new residents rather than generally for the neighborhood. I originally thought this would be a great use for the app because going to a new place travelers/transplants are in need of learning about the new city they are visiting.

So to narrow my topic (And because I have to make a decision) I will go with narrowing down the use to be for travelers instead of generally for neighbors.

I updated my flow chart


I showed this flow to some friends who travel often to ask them about the flow and how they feel about it. I recorded the test.

Some of the comments were:

  • It would be travel to a new city to learn events and meet people
  • Know all cool spots like the locals
  • Don’t have to do research you might do on Google or Yelp
  • Good app to use instead of Google or Yelp
  • Add feature to connect with Facebook or IG to post on Bulletin Board and other social