“Library Research for IMA Thesis” is very useful for me to have a system overview of “researching”. This week I focus on searching and researching my thesis topic. Following is the content:




subjective well-being

why happy

subjective well-being and individual behavior


climate variables



Coping skills




People 54 living with a partner and married are happier while single, divorced, and widowed people report lower levels of happiness. Health is one of the strongest predictors for happiness. People reporting better health status also report higher values of happiness. Gender does not seem to affect happiness since females and males report similar values of happiness.


They find that climate variables such as rain, hours of sunshine, average temperature, and windiness have significant impact on household costs, general satisfaction, and financial satisfaction.


The level of education bears little 42 relationship to happiness.Education may indirectly contribute to happiness by allowing a better adaptation to changing environments, but it also tends to raise aspiration levels.


Van Houwelingen and Beersma (2001) document that the length of day or total hours of sunshine have an impact on suicide rates.






Extraversion will be positively related to personal well-being

Extraversion consists of sociability, dominance, ambition, positive emotionality, and excitement-seeking [10]. Extraversion is expected to be positively related to personal well-being for several reasons. First, as individuals high in extraversion tends to experience positive emotions, which may lead to high personal well-being. Second, individuals high in extraversion engage in more social activities, which may lead to high personal well-being. Meta-analysis [11] has reported a positive relationship between extraversion and life satisfaction. Therefore, the following hypothesis is proposed on the relationship between extraversion and personal well-being.






Whilst the majority of psychologists have concluded there is not much of a relationship at all, the economic literature has unearthed a possible U-shape relationship with the minimum level of satisfaction occurring in middle age (35–50).




Altruism/selflessness is not an issue of religions and moral teachings alone. Various researches within positive psychology have shed light on the rich potential of altruism for one’s health, happiness and well-being.


Various research within positive psychology have highlighted that the other-oriented emotions, such as empathy, kindness and benevolence, as well as pro-social behaviors significantly enhance physical well-being and longevity (Oman, 2007).





a visit to rural destinations is not merely a tourism activity to them—it is a particular way to find their inner peace, past memories, and values, fulfilling their need for self-actualization and improving their subjective well-being.





The importance of a “high quality growth” that Xi Jinping recently promoted, and the danger of a GDP-oriented production overexpansion that disregards well-being and bubbles, are for a long time overlooked among administrator in China (and many other parts of the world). This is due largely to the worship of GDP and the making of it as the dominant institutional framework over the globe that guided nearly all economic management in the last two decades, after the end of the Cold War makes the statistical standard used by the US Department of Commerce “the only game in town” (Fioramonti 2017: 50-54). To achieve a genuine successful economic development that truly benefits the public, the decision makers over the world should seriously rethink about the balance between GDP and well-being.





Although some conflicts will come and go as graduate students move on to the next stage of their student life (Stewart, 1995), other stresses such as financial concerns and lack of social support may persist and be associated with poor psychological health (Hodgson & Simoni, 1995).


Asian international students, as suggested previously, may experience more stress when adjusting to the U.S. educational environment (Wan, Chapman, & Biggs, 1992). Contrary to the U.S. educational system, which is less structured and more relaxed, Asian universities have more rigidity in classroom regulations, 13 learning environment, and teacher-student interactions.


Coping is defined as thoughts and actions that are flexible and realistic so that problems can be resolved and thus stress can be reduced.


psychological well-being has been linked to psychological well-being has been linked to coping strategies. .


Misra and Castillo (2004), in studying academic stress among American and international students at college and graduate levels, found that American students reported using more behavioral coping strategies, such as crying, smoking, and self-abuse, while international students used more cognitive strategies, such as analyzing problems and using effective strategies. Cross’s (1995) research that examined stress and coping among East Asian and American graduate students found that East Asian graduate students scored higher on interdependent self-construal than their American counterparts and tended to have higher stress and used more indirect coping styles that dealt with changing of self rather than changing of the situation.







Happy👆 while…




health status👆

Empathy, kindness,benevolence,Altruism/selflessness 👆

coping strategies👆

Back to old home/hometown

living with a partner and married

Ages change

Balance well between GDP and well-being

Rigid environment balanced