‘Show-A-Thing Feedback Session’

My one on one meetings went exceptionally well!  Obtaining advice from individuals who have no prior knowledge of our background is always helpful for quick suggestions.


My main question during the sessions was “how can I implement technology into my project.” I believe I got the answers I needed!



-Physically incorporate technology in your kit for example: a QR codes that specifically directs you to pages of your website (I.e homepage, tutorials, resources, etc)

You go from visual/physical textures of the box to affordances to the digital world

-research: zap AR, AR kit, AR core, euphoria, projection mapping, maker based AI

-include a booklet of instructions (you can incorporate your visual aesthetic graphic designs)

USERS: kits are great when you say for example “for begginers”. “16+” etc

TIMING IS EVERYTHING: how do you create a sense of time? Is the a 30min kit, a week, a month? Users have short attention spands, people are willing to give their time to promising experiences.

Example :  a weekend kit, “complete 3 projects over the weekend!”

LIMITS: example- users are only allowed to use specific items in the tool kit or what they have at home

DIRECTIONS: step by step instructions are very important, users love to be guided in the right direction


Additional Research:

QR Code Development


Production Timeline:

 I need to update my production timeline slightly to accommodate the changes in my week.



Finalize Toolkit Design

Start Building tool kit

Research QR code Making (found an easy website that create it for me)

Start designing website