Admittedly, I’ve had some external issues get in the way of my progress since the last post, but everything is mostly moving forward again, and there is progress of note.

The State of Development

I have quickly learned that going for the programming initially was something of a mistake, because there are so many ways in which an app, or digital tool of any sort can be made these days. I’ve been doing a bit of work with Android Studio + Kotlin, and it has not been very intuitive or fun to say the least.

Ironically enough, I’ve made my way back to Figma as a hub of development due to its ease of use, and apparently everyone has a tool that lets you export from Figma to… their development environment as you continue creation of your Super MVP. This works for me because it makes the process of creating small developments move much faster.

Currently, I’m working on creating a series of small builds based on GUI exports from Figma to test the veracity of the core features. Hopefully, I’ll be able to get traction with a language, and as each small portion is created they can be combined into the larger creation as the visual design moves along.

Current Creation Candidates

Flutter [Figma to Flutter] (Cross Platform)

Android [Figma to Android Studio] (Android Only)

Bravo Studio [Figma to Bravo] (No Code?)

Web [?] (Cross Platform)

Beta Testing Babies

For recent testing, I created 3 basic menu mock ups of a simple GUI, which were based on my last visual conception of this concept. I think the classic, lower portion menu does get the job done but I would love to come up with a more creative design as this moves forward.

The test survey is meant to reveal how people feel about “Buttons vs. Swiping” as a primary movement through an interface, and it also begins my inquires into how “Mobile Sound (Earcons) Design” can impact the functional design.

To be frank, I suspect a sound centric interface would be very, very different from what I am currently considering but we’ll see how this develops.


Build Process: Figma → Convertify → Adobe XD

Sounds: Material Design Sound Kit